Chapter 28

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A/N Hi Gladers! I'm back with another chapter! How've ya been? It's been a while, but I have some more ideas now :) I've added a pc of my eye (it's dark green if you can't see it) because why the shuck not. The POTD is that I'm a Slytherin! Well, I was a Ravenclaw, but that wasn't the official Pottermore test. I'm done with dedications, because I feel I shouldn't be highlighting one person every chapter, but everyone, every single person who takes the time to read my little story. I couldn't be more happy at what you've done for me and my story. Thank you! Now, enough mushy stuff! Here is chapter 28!


After another closet meeting with the people from Teresa's past, Thomas and Teresa had gathered everyone secretly in their room. They had been discussing what they had learned for the past 15 minutes and had started gathering ideas of how to stop WICKED. "We could beat them up." Suggested Minho, an arm around Amy's shoulder. WICKED had given him surgery on his broken leg and it was pretty much back to normal.

"How can we? They have guns and launchers and klunk." Newt protested. "Bitch please-" Minho struck a pose. "-I'm fabulous! I can do anything!" Thomas rolled his eyes. "Any other bright ideas?"

"Well, we could destroy any remains of the lilly." Said Gally. Minho gave him a look. "And how do you suggest we we do that, shuckface? They're all powder now, should we try and find a vacuum cleaner?" Minho and Gally started arguing quietly. "Well, maybe we could try and find where they store the guns? Then we could store the lillies in one berg and fly away." Said a Group B girl. "Bright idea, but there's still more of them than us. Perhaps we could take out the night guards and then fly away." Stated Thomas.

Everyone seemed to agree with that idea. "Great, well when do we plan to leave?" Asked Newt. Minho looked thoughtful for a moment. "Tonight." He said, looking at the other subjects' questioning faces. "If we don't act now, we might never get the chance again."


Thomas stood in his position behind the wall. He could just make out the silhouette of the guard as he made his rounds. He had to wait for the perfect moment to grab him. He could faintly see Frypan at the opposite wall getting ready to do the same as him.

He saw the guard walk in front of him. This was his chance. He gripped the mop in his hand tightly (They had looked for weapons, but this was the best they could get) and, in one swoop, knocked him out cold. He looked up and saw that everyone else had successfully done the same, even Minho, who was armed with a toilet brush.

Everyone walked quietly forwards until they met in the middle of the room, at the centre berg. " Okay," Thomas whispered. "-everyone grab a tank of a berg and empty it into your tubes. Then we'll empty the lilly dust into this berg and we'll drive off. You all remember your training on how to empty and refill the bergs, right?" He was met by a series of nods. "Let's go then. Oh, and Minho? Try and be quiet." He told the boy, who turned away in a huff.

Everyone else slowly emptied the begs and handed the tubes to Thomas, who fed them into the centre one. He pressed the button that lowered the beg door (which took forever to open) and everyone got on. Thomas ran over to the switch that opened the roof. He knew it would beep very loud (a sound almost identical to the greenie alarm) so he had to be very quick.

Without thinking, Thomas pressed it and sprinted back across the room. He leapt onto the berg just as the alarm started and the door quickly opened above them. The driver (who's name Thomas had forgotten) lifted the berg into the air and got as close to the doors as he could without crashing into the place that was still closed.

Hurry up, Thomas willed. He looked down to see an outraged Summer pointing at the berg and yelling something he couldn't hear. The doors above fully opened and the pilot moved the plane through the gap, lifting the berg away from the compound and out into the night sky.

Thomas slumped down next to Teresa and put his arm around her. She cuddled up close to him. "What now?" She asked, looking beautiful in the moonlight that shone through the windows. "Now," said Thomas, kissing the top of her head, his lips lingering. "-we run."


I'm afraid that's all, folks! I hope you enjoyed reading my story as much as I loved writing it. One day I may start another fanfiction, but let's leave that for the future, okay? I love you all. 


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