Chapter 15

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A/N Hiya! So, I want to know if anyone can guess my name! Hint: it's the name of someone in this fanfiction :3 This chapter is dedicated to @Ladyoftheships for being awesome! Here's chapter 15!


Teresa opened her eyes to see a bright light shining down on her. Squinting, she attempted to put her hand up to shield her eyes, but found that her body was tied down to a metal chair. The only thing she could move was her head. "Thomas? Minho, Newt? Are you guys there?! Hello?!!" She said, but no-one answered her.

Teresa started to panic, thrashing around, attempting to escape. She calmed herself and looked around. She was in a dark room, the only light was coming from above her head. She was confused at first, but then remembered everything. Running through the portal, seeing the creepy Barney dude, and being knocked out from behind.

As she was pondering, a candle was suddenly lit in the room, giving off more light that it should have been. The person who had lit it was right in front of her. It was the Barney guy.

"What am I doing here? Where are my friends?" She asked. He just smirked. "Look Tessie, let me explain. Action isn't really the way to do things. Talking is more my taste." He walked forwards, leaned in to her ear, and started to speak quietly.

"Look, Teresa, I don't have much time. The Paradise is the only known place to hold the cure to the Flare, problem is that the Flare is in the air there. So we can't go, but the immunes can. The place is endangered, it's predicted to explode in a month Paradise time. You need to find it before that happens, for the sake of the human race."

"I know you and your little friends don't like WICKED, and I can see why. But find the cure, save humanity, before it's too late." He explained to her. She eyed him suspiciously. "Then what was the point of the Trials?" She asked. He sighed. "It's either brain patterns or this. And we've only just located it in the past year."

"So what does this cure look like then?" She questioned the man. "It's a plant." He told her. "No shit Sherlock." Said Teresa, rolling her eyes at him. "That helps us out so very much, now It will be way too easy to find it." She said sarcastically.

"Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd think you're Minho." He said laughing. "Well, anyway, the plant is a purple lilly. It should be in the middle section of the forest. And it will smell a lot like apples." He informed her. "Gods of Death love apples." She told him, smiling slightly at the memory of an old show.

"Um, okay......" He trailed off. "Well, sorry, but I'm gonna have to knock you out again. Next time you wake up, you'll be back in Paradise. After you find the cure, gather all of it and throw one of the lilly's in a fire it'll transport you back here." He finished, taking out a needle.

"I like you. Who are you anyway?" Teresa asked him. "Oh, WICKED picked me up a while ago. Me and my wife. They saved us from all these cranks. We're kinda forced to do stuff like this. Oh, tell Newt I'm sorry for kissing his nose. And sorry for being creepy and stuff." He told her.

"What's your name?" She asked him curiously. "Mark." He answered. She knew he look familiar! Before she could say anything out of shock, he gave her a sad smile and injected her, knocking her out instantly.


Whoop whoop! Double update! Anyone get the Mark reference?
Hope you liked it!
- LivingLovelyLies

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