Chapter 2

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A/N Hello again! Here's chapter 2!


As Thomas and Teresa embraced, Thomas felt the need to cheer her up. "Incase you haven't noticed, I've forgiven you." He said, a small smile playing on his lips. She smiled back. "Great! But you know the reason that I did it Tom." She moved away and sat down next to him, Thomas immediately getting a feeling of loneliness when not in her arms. He wondered why, trying to push the obvious answer down to the back of his mind.

"Thomas? Hey, Tom?" Said Teresa, shaking him out of his thinking zone. "You spaced out for a bit there. You okay?" Thomas tried to give her a reassuring smile, and she seemed to believe it. She couldn't see the way his mind was yelling at him to quit ignoring his emotions.

Teresa's stomach rumpled. "Someone's hungry I'm guessing?" He smiled. She grinned sheepishly. "I haven't been eating that much since we got here." Those words filled Thomas with worry. "What do you mean you've not been eating? Have you eaten at all?" She looked at the ground in response. "Teresa! You need to eat! You can't just starve yourself! Why haven't you been eating?"

She looked up at him as if wanting to just disappear. "Every time I tried to eat I couldn't. I was too worried about you. We all thought you died you know." Thomas felt guilty. He was the reason this girl was not eating? He couldn't have that.

"Well you're going to eat now. I'm alive, see?" He said, bringing her hand up to touch his face. Sparks tingled on his skin at the contact. "Alright, alright, I'll eat." She took his hand (again, the sparks appeared) and lead him over to the fire.

"Anyone got any food left?" Thomas asked before she could. They shook their heads, but pointed to a tall apple tree a few meters away. They walked over to it until they were at the base of it. Teresa started to climb up, but Thomas wasn't going to let her do that in the state she was in.

"Stay here. I'll be back down in a second." She nodded, looking grateful as he climbed up and up until he was 20 meters in the air. "I never asked you. What did you eat out there?" Teresa asked him curiously. "Same as you lot. Well, them at least. Apples and strawberries. There were lots of animals, but I didn't like my chances at strangling a squirrel to death." He explained, earning a laugh.

He finally got to the apples and started to drop a few. "Catch." He called, letting a few drop, careful not to let them fall on her head. When he finished and Teresa had 10 apples in her arms in a bundle, he started to climb down.

He put his foot down on a thin branch without realising it and almost fell straight to the ground. He yelled, Teresa screeched, and Newt came running over. "What happened?!" Newt asked, startled by the noise. Thomas got his grip back and started to climb down safely until his feet were on the ground.

"What happened?" Newt repeated. "Almost fell. The branch I was standing on broke." He explained and Newt went back to being calm. "Keep yourself safe for one bloody minute please Tommy?" He said, sighing and walked away.

Teresa handed half the apples to Thomas and they started their eating. Thomas wasn't that hungry, so he ate one apple and put the rest in a basket they had collected before they headed to the tree. Teresa ate four. She seemed pretty full after having nothing in her stomach for 7 days, so she put the rest in the basket along with Thomas's.

It was getting pretty late, so all the other immunes lay down in makeshift tents. Their were a couple of spare sleeping bags which Thomas had no idea about how they had gotten there. He grabbed two and lay down on he grass. It was still pretty cold.

Teresa shivered slightly. Thomas put his arm round her and she snuggled into him. He smiled to himself. She looked cute when she slept. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead before he could change his mind. He half hoped that she was definitely asleep, half hoped she had known.

Sleep overtook him.

Any suggestions for the Chapter 3? :)

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