Chapter 6

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A/N Hello gladers! How are you guys today? *silence* okay, never mind then.... Anyway, here is Chapter 6!


As Thomas and Teresa headed up the hill, Thomas started to take note of the parts of the area. On top of the massive hill was where everyone always was. On the hill there were a whole load of shacks and houses, as if the place had been abandoned. Newt had told Thomas that there were supplies in the shacks and plenty of food in the houses. On the far right the hill slanted upwards and at the very top there was the apple tree. The woods surrounded the bottom of the hill.

Teresa had been saying goodbye to Thomas. She was going to spend the day with some of her friends she had made in Group B. Thomas wasn't sure why, but they whisked her away and insisted she spend time with them because she had been too 'lovey eyed' with Thomas to even think about them.

Thomas decided that he would spend the day with Newt and Minho. He set off to look for them, and found them by the river.

"Tommy! Finally come to talk to us! I was beginning to think that Teresa had hypnotised you into forgetting who we are." Said Newt. Thomas chuckled. "It's been an hour Newt." "Yeah, but you haven't properly talked to us in forever." Retorted Minho.

Thomas sat down with them and they began to talk. As they were talking, Thomas saw a flash of blue up ahead of them. He put his hands over the boys mouths and stood up, motioning them to follow him. They crept forward and stopped behinds some trees just before a clearing.

In the clearing, Aris sat, talking in a low voice to himself. "-I know, I know, we just have to get him to follow the plan. But-" he cut off for a few seconds. "Yes, we have to do something about her. What do you recommend?" It was quite funny to see someone talking to himself. Newt and Thomas held back sniggers, but Minho, he burst out laughing.

Aris turned around sharply and paled when he saw the three friends standing there. Newt elbowed Minho in the ribs. "What the hell man, you blew our cover." He said jokingly. "I couldn't help it, the shank's gone crazy and it's pretty funny." Minho laughed. Aris looked less sickly. He looked quickly between the friends before saying "I was j-just following my train of thought out loud, that's all. Now, let's head back to the hill."

Now that he had stopped laughing, Thomas felt something was off. He could sense it. He decided he would keep a closer eye on Aris from then on.

It was dinner time and Teresa brung her friends over to Thomas's table. They were three girls he had never met before. One had blonde hair with brown eyes, one had ginger hair and blue eyes, and the last one had brown hair and green eyes. The blonde was Amy, the Ginger was Marie, and the brunette was Emily.

"So, this is the famous Thomas." Stated Marie. "Teresa talks about you. A lot." Adds Emily, waggling her eyebrows. Teresa blushed lightly and elbowed her. "What, it's true!" Emily retorted. Amy smiled and Thomas. "I hear Newt and Minho keep pestering you guys. Who are they?" Thomas pointed to his left were the two in question were deep in conversation.

"Don't worry, we'll keep them occupied. Just call us whenever you need us and we'll distract them so you guys can get some alone time." Marie laughed.

Once they had finished their dinner, Newt started talking to Emily and Minho was chatting to Amy. "I think your friends are in love." Joked Teresa. The others didn't ever hear her, apart from Thomas. "Yeah, but Marie looks pretty lonely. I know! Lets play matchmakers!" He got up and looked around. "I know who could use a bit of cheer in their life!" Thomas set off in a quick stride. Teresa scrambled up and followed him.

They reached an old well. Sitting next to it was Gally. "Gally, my main man. We have something to show you. Come on!" Thomas grabbed Gally and started pulling him, Gally muttering about how he wasn't his 'main man'. Teresa gigged and helped pull Gally along.

When they reached the others, Thomas and Teresa shoved Gally into Marie, who was standing staring at the sunset. They tumbled down the hill and out of sight. "Let's let them deal with that on their own." Teresa said, and with that they walked up the hill next to the apple tree to watch the sunset.


There we go! Private message me suggestions and stuff and fluff! Love ya!

- LivingLovelyLies

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