Chapter 5

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A/N Omg guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I promise I'll do more! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, they mean a lot to me. Well anyway, here we go!


That night, Thomas and Teresa had a peaceful sleep for the first time in what seemed like forever, with her head on his lap and his hand through her hair.

When dawn broke, Thomas sat up slowly and looked around. Teresa had moved during the night and was now snuggled against him, with small snores escaping her mouth every now and then. Thomas smiled to himself and slowly got up. Teresa stirred, but didn't wake.

He walked over to the apple tree and picked a few from up high, where the best ones lurked. He then found a patch of strawberries at the bottom of the hill. He picked a bunch and took them to the river to wash them. When he got back, he noticed that a few of the others were awake, including Minho. He walked over to Thomas and smiled.

"No funny business with Teresa I'm guessing? I probably ruined your relationship yesterday, sorry not sorry." He said while Thomas grumbled. "Slim it slint-head, we're not in a relationship. We're just friends." Minho laughed at Thomas. "Come on now Thomas, you can't lie to me. I've seen the way you two look at eachother. TOMMY'S IN LOVEEE!" He screeched the last part, earning a few glances of the others.

"I'm not!" Thomas defended, his cheeks heating up. "Now, I'm off to eat. Bye sassy asshole." Minho faked gasped. "Sassy asshole? I'm the sass master, thank you very much!" Thomas just rolled his eyes as he walked away from the 'sass master'.

When he got back, Teresa was already awake. "Hey, I got us some fruit." He said, splitting what he had with her, sneakily giving her the majority. She smiled and thanked him as they started eating in comfortable silence.

Once they had finished, Thomas suggested that they go for a walk. The sun was bright and the sky was cloudless. Needless to say, it was perfect. As they walked and talked about anything, Thomas finally decided that he couldn't take it anymore.

Teresa was in the middle of a story. "It was crazy really, but I think that-" she was cut off by Thomas pulling her towards him, and kissing her fiercely. Teresa kissed back, relived at what had finally happened. Once they parted, Thomas had the biggest grin on his face.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He said, an uncontrollable smile stretched across his face, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiled and looked into his eyes, happier than she had felt in a long time. "Teresa, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked her.

She pretended to think about it for a moment. "Hm, I don't know Tom. It's not like I've been waiting for you to ask at all, so I really don't- of course, you idiot." She said happily, before kissing him once more.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! NEWT HAND IT OVER!" That all-to familiar voice said. Thomas and Teresa groaned in ussion and looked around. There, standing before them, was Minho and Newt.

Minho looked happy, but Newt, however, was grumbling and reaching in his pocket. "You guys were watching us again? Stalkers!" Said Thomas. Newt mumbled something in response and pulled a knife out of his pocket. He handed it to Minho, and Thomas and Teresa exchanged confused looks.

"You see, my little love birds, me and Newty over here made a bet. I bet my dagger that you guys would get together by the end of today, but he bet his knife next week, and obviously, I won. Well, bu-bye." And with that, they walked off.

Thomas chuckled. "Don't they have anything better to do that watch us creepily from bushes every day?" Teresa laughed and kissed his cheek. "Maybe they're looking for relationship advise." She suggested and they both laughed, squeezing each other's hands as they walked back up the hill.


Sorry it's not much, but HEY it's almost Christmas!! HORRAY!!! Love you guys x


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