Chapter 8

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A/N hey guys! Has anyone heard the songs written by maze runner fans called 'When the darkness comes' (not the one from The Mortal Instruments, though that is a very beautiful piece of music) and 'nightmare'? They're both frikin' awesome! Anyway, here is chapter eight!


Thomas felt hurt. Why would Teresa be ignoring him again? Last time it was for WICKED, but that couldn't be possible this time, he gathered. He decided he would try to talk to her at breakfast, but when he got to the kitchen where everyone was eating, she was nowhere in sight. Where is she, he wondered. She should be eating. I told her she needs food.

He sat down with Minho and Newt. "Hey, you're looking glum. What's up?" Said Minho to Thomas. Thomas just sighed and said "She's ignoring me again." Newt looked up from his plate. "Hey, Tommy, she'll come round eventually. There's got to be a reason she's acting strange."

"Speaking of acting strange," said Thomas, "Didn't you think Aris was acting weird yesterday, with the whole 'talking to himself' thing?" Minho nodded. "Yeah, it was a bit off. We should keep an eye on him." They all glanced over at where Aris was sitting with a few others, Aris himself smirking slightly, as if he knew something others didn't.

Just as Thomas was about to leave, he saw Teresa come in the door, her eyes slightly red and puffy. "Here's your chance, Thomas." Minho said, gesturing to Teresa. She went up, grabbed some fruit and sat down at an empty table.

Thomas stood up and walked over to her. She kept her head down and didn't even glance up from her food when he sat down across from her. "Teresa, seriously, why aren't you talking to me?" silence greeted Thomas once more.

"Ter, please. I can't bare it." He said softly, placing a hand on her sholder. She suddenly looked up, a pained expression in her eyes. She leaned forwads and gave him a short kiss, the kind with haste and urgency behind every movement of her lips.

"Tom, please. Stop trying. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

Blinding, white hot agony overtook her. She feel back, opening her mouth to scream but finding that no sound would come out.

The words Aris had said that morning rung like a church bell chiming in her head "If you talk to Thomas, be prepared for pain." She knew what would happen, but felt it was worth it, almost, as she had gotten her point across to Thomas. This was her last tangible thought before she lost the ability to think.

"Teresa!" Thomas yelled, rushing forwards to her body. She was twitching, her eyes rolling back. Some of the others rushed forwards and helped her up, along with Thomas. Minho was among them.

"MEDJACKS! Get your asses over here!" Minho yelled, and they obeyed. One of the stronger ones (Thomas didn't know his name) came over and lifted Teresa up and over to the place they were using for their headquarters. The crowd thinned so that it was just Thomas and Minho left with the Medjacks.

When they reached the place, Thomas and Minho were told that they would be called over if anything happened. As soon as they were out of earshot, Minho started questioning him.

"Okay shank, what happened?" He asked. "Well, I tried to get her to talk to me, but she wouldn't at first. Eventually she did, just telling me to stop trying. As soon as she said that, though, her face went white and she tumbled and fell. She was holding a her head as if that was the source of the pain." Said Thomas.

Minho was silent for a moment, unusually serious. "Something isn't right here." He said, "And we need to find out what before something like this happens again." They discussed it for a little while longer before deciding that they would question her when she was in a better state.


Sorry it's not that good guys, but hey an update's an update! What's your new year's resolution? Mine is to get over my fear of rollercoasters.
Thanks for reading!
- LivingLovelyLies

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