Chapter 21

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A/N How's it going, Gladers? Hopefully good. This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @AidanB11 for being a dedicated reader! The Penguin of the day is that I'm from Scotland! Oh, and there a bit of, uh, suggestion I guess, in this chapter. And some minor triggers. Just to warn you. Here's chapter 21!


It had been 2 weeks since Teresa and the others had retuned to the hill, and yet there was still no sign of the lilly. They only had 16 days left. But it was still a long time to some degree, and they shouldn't panic yet. At least, that's what Thomas kept telling himself.

It was a day off of duty for Thomas and his friends. They decided to just relax. They lay out on the grass in the warm sun, talking randomly. Minho was there too; he had crutches now and only had four weeks to go. "That is, if WICKED are kind enough to let me heal in a safe environment." He laughed lightly.

They split up for lunch, but was gathered back together later by Minho, minus Gally and Marie. "Guys, guys, guys! Guess what?!! Come here quickly!!" He yelled them over. They went to Minho, who was standing next to Amy. "What is it shuck-face?" Newt asked, leaning on Thomas. Minho giggled.

"Just follow me and try to be quiet." He said. He set off, surprisingly fast for someone on crutches. The others followed him, only stopping when Minho held up his hand. They were in front of Gally and Marie's house. "Now, stop here, I'm not that sad." He whispered.

Then the others heard the noises. Moans and creaks mainly. Minho held his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh. Amy was leaning against him, holding her stomach and her mouth tightly. Newt and Emily were clasped together in laughter so hard it was silent. Thomas and Teresa were both spluttering.

"Looks like Captain Gally has recked the port." Said Minho. And that's when everyone cracked, laughing so hard it hurt. Suddenly, the noises stopped. "Shuck! Run!!" Minho whisper-yelled, going as fast as he could, Amy right beside him. Newt and Emily ran off into the woods. Teresa and Thomas looked, and upon spotting a bush, Thomas dived behind it, pulling Teresa on top of him.

Through a gap in the bush, they saw Gally walk to the small open window and peer out. Once deciding he must have been hearing things, he closed it and went back inside.

Teresa leaned down and kissed Thomas on the nose, a grin appearing on her lips. "That was too close." She said, laughing. Thomas laughed too and sat up, kissing her back on her nose. They both had love in their eyes. Until Thomas looked past her, scowling.

"Oh great." He muttered, pulling Teresa closer to him. Brenda and Crystal were in front of him, arguing while walking towards him. "Look bitch, he's mine." Spat Brenda at Crystal. She scoffed. "Oh come on! I'm much prettier than you darling." Brenda rolled her eyes.

"Well, at least we can agree that the real bitch is that Teresa." Brenda sneered. Crystal nodded. "She can go die for all I care. Slit her throat or hanging, either or." They both laughed. Teresa looked deep into his brown eyes, her own blue orbs frosted with tears yet to fall.

Thomas felt his hand ball into a fist. He stood up, gently pulling Teresa up with him. "Stay here a second Ter, okay?" He said gently. She nodded. He walked over to the two girls, feeling furious.

"You two!" He said, hatred dripping from his voice. They looked slightly startled, but still kept their smirks in place. "What is it Tom?" Brenda cooed. "Here to take me back I'm guessing?" Crystal looked angry. "No, Bree, he's obviously here for me." She said, tossing her hair slightly.

Thomas got even madder. "Look, I hate both of you. Get that through your thick skulls. I'm only here because I'm mad about what you said about Teresa." They both looked unaffected. "Yeah, what about it, it's all true anyway. She should just go get a knife and stab herself until she bleeds to death on the floor." Brenda said, looking at her nails. She made sure she said it loud enough for Teresa to hear it.

Thomas couldn't help it. He slapped her. All of the rage built up inside him was put into that slap. "Now you listen to me." He said, a scary-calm to his voice. "Teresa is worth way more than you. She is beautiful, smart, funny, amazing, and so much more. I love her. So you better leave her alone, you shanks." He said, then curtly turned around and walked off.

He looked around, but couldn't see Teresa. He saw Newt up ahead. "Hey, Newt, have you seen Teresa by any chance?" He asked worriedly. "Oh, yeah I just did. She was running into your house." He said. Thomas thanked him before speeding to his house.

"Teresa?!" He yelled as soon as he got in the house. "Where are you?" He could hear her upstairs. He could also hear sobbing. He ran upstairs as fast as he could, bursting into their bedroom. Teresa was sitting on the bed, crying. It broke his heart to see her like that.

"Teresa...." He trailed off, sitting next to her. He pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back slowly in circles. She seemed to calm down a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm probably overreacting. It's just that- well, I think they're right." She said slowly and sadly.

Thomas pulled her over so they were facing eachother. "Teresa, don't even listen to those bitches. You're worth one thousand times more that they'll ever be. They're just jealous of you. Jealousy makes people do anything and everything for the world to be in their favour." He said softly.

He slid his hand from the back of her head to her face, wiping away the tear-stains that were all down it. He pulled her in for a tender and sweet kiss.

"This is why I love you Tom." She said, smiling. "You always know what to say to make me feel better. Of course, I love every bit of you, but I really love this bit." Thomas nodded. "I love all of you too." And once again, their lips met.


There we go Gladers! Sorry I'm slightly late! I hope you don't mind <3 Did you like the chapter? Comment what you thought, private message me suggestions for the next one!
Love you all!
- LivingLovelyLies

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