Chapter 10

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A/N Helloooooo! Here is chapter 10!


Thomas was shocked to see Brenda. How did she get here? He helped her stand up and she smiled wearily. "Hi Thomas. Long time no see." She gave him a hug and he helped her over to the med-jack station. A crowd had gathered by this point, and whispers broke out throughout the hill.

The med-jacks checked her over. There were some minor burns, or hints of them, left on her arm. They bandaged them and said they could go.

Minho called a Gathering. Present were Thomas, Brenda, Newt, Minho, the remaining keepers that had survived the hell they'd been through, and a bunch of the girls from Group B, two Thomas recognised as Emily and Marie. As soon as everyone was sitting down in the small building they were in, the questions started.

"Brenda, I want to know everything. From the moment you pushed Thomas out the way to now." Said Minho, resting his hands on the table. And with that she started explaining.

"Well, as soon as the flat trans closed behind you, I was on fire." She said, gesturing to her arms. "Then a few from the right arm found me and helped me outside before the place fully collapsed. I'd been working with them for about one month before I woke up here. I have no clue how I arrived, the last thing I remember is falling asleep in the base they had set up." She said, finishing.

Everyone looked confused. "But how could it have been one month if we've only been here, what, eleven days?" Said Newt, voicing everyone's thoughts. "Maybe the time is different?" Suggested Marie. "Who knows." Stated Newt. "I'd given up on logical explanations since I first woke up in the bloody glade.

"Well, it's still weird that you woke up here, but you don't know how you got here." Stated Minho. They all decided they'd come back and discuss it later in the week, as they all had work to attend to.

They all left just as lunch was starting. They went over and gathered some sandwiches. Minho, Newt, Thomas, and Brenda sat down and ate. When they finished, Thomas realised something. Grinning, he grabbed Brenda's hand. "Hey, come with me." He said, pulling her up. They walked over to one of the tables, Thomas leading the way. Jorge was sitting there, entertaining some of his new friends with some story of his past.

Thomas motioned Brenda to stand behind him and he tapped Jorge on the shoulder. He looked round and smiled "Yeah Thomas? What is it?" Just as those words left his mouth, Brenda stepped out from behind Thomas. Jorge looked shocked. "Brenda!" He yelled, and gave her a bone-crushing hug. She hugged back with just as much force, and Thomas took this as his cue to leave, smiling at their joy.

After this, Thomas decided to go on a walk. He walked through the forest, knowing his way around from being in there so much. When he reached the tree he had sat at 4 days ago when the others found him, he could see someone sitting in the tree on the top branch. Teresa.

He climbed up and sat down on her branch. As he did so, she shuffled slightly to the side as if to say "stay away from me." He still felt hurt by her actions. "You know, you don't have to be with me anymore if you don't want to be." He said, trying to mask his sadness. She looked up and shook her head slightly, before looking back down.

"Well why are you ignoring me then? Please, just talk to me. Or how about writing down stuff. Anything." He said, getting desperate, his worries overtaking his mind. Once again, she shook her head. Tears threatened to spill over both of their cheeks, but she wouldn't let them. This is hard, she though, seeing him be so sad just because of her.

"Well what are we going to do then?" Said Thomas, more to himself than anyone else.

"Brenda came today." He informed her, and she looked quite surprised. "Came through the flat trans. She doesn't know how she got here." She slowly got up and started climbing down. Thomas was about to follow her when she gave him a look that told him she wanted to be left alone.

A few minutes after she disappeared from eyesight, Thomas heard a scream.

It was her, he was sure of it. He practically jumped down the tree and ran in the direction of the screaming, his mind racing. He eventually reached a clearing where he was shocked to see a bunch of teenagers surrounding her, weapons at the ready. He froze as a few of them whipped round and circled him aswell.

"What's going on?" He asked them, and a girl about his age stepped forwards. Her silver eyes were fixed on him, analytical as they tried to figure out his intentions. "We'll be asking the questions around here, seeing as you're outnumbered. Who are you?" She said, folding her arms.

"I'm Thomas, that's Teresa." He answered, pointing to himself then her. "Jessica." She responded. "We are here because of an organisation called WICKED." The girl - Jessica - said. "You too?" Thomas replied. "Take us back to where you stay. We mean you no harm." Jessica said, and she and the others lowered their weapons.

And with that, Thomas and Teresa started to lead them back to the hill, feeling anxious.


There you go! Hoped you liked this chapter <3 Comment what you thought, I love reading what you have to say. Private message me if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next chapter.
Until next time.
- LivingLovelyLies

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