A pair of idiots

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    Tuesday and Wednesday went by fast.

    I learned how to sneak into my dorm late so I can sleep in peace, and learned to sneak out early so I wouldn't get any trouble with the other girls.

    Milo and Nuwanda are loving being able to roam Hogwarts.

   And I most definitely got closer to my friends.

   Todd pin.it/2lKrxyj is my absolute best friend. He came first, he might be shy and he might not speak up and he struggles a bit to keep up, but that's my job.

   Making sure he feels included and knows that he's wanted.

   I think the group is perfect.

   We all come from different Hogwarts houses but we all offer something others can't.

   Charlie pin.it/6iXnm2K  is the dad of the group, he's goofy, sarcastic, and independent, but when needed he steps up.

   Neil   pin.it/7ECD4GW is the leader, his smile brighten ups the room and he brings life to moments, everyone naturally gravitates to him.

   Todd is the angle, the sweet, shy, loyal boy we all protect.

   Pitts ( pin.it/68SiVyE ) is the tall goof ball that laughs at all our jokes.

   Knoxs ( pin.it/5gS3Sgj ) is an even bigger goof, he's always smiling and dreaming, and a romantic.

   Meeks( pin.it/4I9pOnJ ) is the brains of the operation, he's helpful and smart and he gets things first.

   Cameron( pin.it/6WHO4uS ) is the rule follower. He keeps us out of too much trouble and he's respectful. Good for lying to adults faces and making us look innocent.

   Lastly there's me. The mom of the group. The second smartest. Sarcastic girl who protects everyone and always finish what I start.

     School has been going good. Finally.

    The slytherins aren't mean anymore, excluding my dorm mates and the prejudice kids like Blaise. But all we do is avoid each other.

   For once, it's the gryfindors that are mean. Ginny takes every opportunity to make remarks, Harry's friends, excluding Fred George and Neville, avoid me. And the master himself Harry hasn't talked to me since Monday.

   My classes are good, I would be the top of my year if not for Meeks. I'm fine with that though. He's cute.

   Like extremely. I keep telling him, 'Meeks go out with me!' And he always says 'we're too young tiny Penny.'

   We'll get there.

    Astronomy has been one of my favorites. We have regular lessons in the day but once a week, on Wednesdays, we go to the astronomy tower and watch the stars.

   Flying is really fun. It's a whole class dedicated to learning how to fly on a broom. The only class Charlie excels in.

   Herbology, is safe to say my least favorite. Todd and I are partners and most of the time we have no idea what we're doing.

   Professor Snape is still a pain. History of magic would be interesting if it just wasn't a lecture. The amount of times I've fallen asleep on Todd's shoulder is astronomical.

    Defense against the dark art is a absolute waste.

    The very first day we learned about Imps....or to rephrase, Lockhart set them lose and they caused mayhem. Tripping people, being extremely sarcastic and humorous and little devils. We had to use wizard crackers to send them back to their cages while Lockhart ran out. Charlie was really brave that day when he stepped up.

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