Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black!

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Quidditch practice seemed to be long and excruciating as we practiced drills, flew laps around the field and overall improved which each practice.

That doesn't mean I'm not left tired, sweaty, and grimey with my hair falling out of a loopy ponytail afterwards. Grumbling as I have to use all the stairs and passage ways to get to the common room with broom in hand.

What can I say? I love to complain but love the sport.

Also I liked the friends I was making, my teammates were starting to act like my surrogate older brothers, which I blame on the fact that they don't normally talk to first years. But I'll take it since my real brother is not talking to me.

Anyway for the rest of the day I was buzzing with restlessness. Excited to go out on our night festivities and actually trying out wandless magic, as I worked on my essay on the gargoyle strike of 1911 with my friends in the library.

Which means that I sat next to Todd, my History of Magic buddy and kept jabbing Meeks with questions.

Don't get me wrong, it's a easy class which is how I know I can slack off with my naps and still learn the information quickly.

Then we proceeded to eat dinner. Hangout at the dinner hall and played exploding snap. (Where Charlie and I got really competitive that Professor Mcgonagall threaten to take it away when we singed each other's eyebrows off - she regrew them- Knox watched with interested and played with us afterwards. Cameron Rolling his eyes, Pitts laughing and failing when he joined. Todd silently watching with Meeks who was shiz talking, and Neil out beating all us when he played.) Then we nibbled candy.

By the time it was night. We were all restless and in need of releasing our energy.

Cameron, Knox, and I bid the Bloody Baron our usual "hi's" and "hello's" Meet up with the others, dodge prefects. Went through the usual tunnel. Into the cellar of Honeydukes, up the stairs, through the candy (some of which we swiped after leaving a Galleon on the counter ) To the door where a note was taped (which said, remember to lock the door after you, in Mr. Keating handwriting - which we did) and made our way quietly through hogsmeade.

"Wow so this is Hogsmeade." I smiled in amazement as we walked past shops.

"Still can't believe you haven't been here before." Cameron said pursuing his lip.

"Not all of us were raised in the wizarding world Selwyn." I jokingly smiled referring to his pureblood last name as I looked over at Todd and smiled gently at him.

"The trial should be up ahead." Neil said as he continued leading us until we made it to the foot of the mountain.

"Uh, I already did exercise today." I said seriously but joking.

"Come on Penny, I'll give you every flavor beans when we get back." Knox smiled.


"I'll give you every flavor beans when we get back." Meeks said.

"Deal." I immediately said as I immediately bounded on the rocks and followed Neil as we climbed our way up until we finally made it to a cave.

"Well, this is it." Neils said.

He all squeezed into the cave where gagged rocks were sticking out of the ground, but still provided a place to sit, leaves on the ground and water droplets falling from cracks on the high ceiling above.

We all sat around on some rocks while Meeks picked up some sticks and started spinning it.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I crouched down next to him

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