Fairy hunting

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We couldn't sit still the next day at breakfast as we sat at the Hufflepuff table.

It was like something was ignited in us that we couldn't let go of, as our plates clattered with our quick movements and our voices joined together in a buzz that always makes people around us look with skepticism.

"Guys are we really going to do it?" I questioned as a reached for a few berries and biting into them. "are we really going to try not to use our wands for an entire week?"

"I don't know." Pitts sighed, as he shock his head and looked down, frowning as if he didn't like the idea.

"Guys come on, we can't." Cameron argued raising his hand as if trying to reason.

"Well why not?" Neil questioned biting into his Apple grinning.

"Because we"ll start falling behind." Cameron argued. "We need to be supper skilled for wand less magic and we're only first years."

Meeks shrugged. "It couldn't hurt to try."

"That's because you're good at everything Meeks." Charlie said. "But I say why not."

"I don't know guys, shouldn't we try it out first?" Knox said.

"Like In class?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows.

"No," he said turning to me. "before so we can see if we do want to try."

"But Friday was yesterday." Pitts obviously pointed out.

"It wouldn't hurt if we go out again." Neil smiled.

"Neil come one we'll be pushing it" Cameron pouted.

"Come one Cameron live a little." I smiled. "I for one want to keep talking to Mr.Keating."

We all turned as we heard someone run into the dinning hall.

Todd clambered over holding a book and panting, "I-Uh I got it."

He set it down in the middle of the table as we all huddled around a book.

It has all the names of past students, a yearbook.

We had asked for him to get it so that we can find out if Keating went to Hogwarts when he was younger.

I grabbed it and put it in front of me as all the others gathered around.

I started flipping the pages and stopped when Charlie put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

"There." He smiled as he reached over my shoulder and pointed. "Mr.Keating, voted most likely to do anything."

"Like teaching a bunch of kids powerful magic anything?" I smiled, Neil turned and smiled at me.

"What's the dead poets and wizard society?" Cameron asked.

"What?" I looked down back at the book as Charlie pointed again to the little text.

"It says dead poets and wizard society under organizations." Charlie explained

"Let's ask him." Neil smiled.

"Neil, come one, what would you even say?" Knox shook his head.

"Just that we were wondering what it is," he smirked.

"But that's madnes-" I zoned Cameron out as I looked up, I felt like someone was watching me, like eyes peering my back as I turned my head.

It was Dumbledore as my eyes trailed up to the professors table.

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