I embellished the story

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"So what would you say your story is?" I asked, rocking in my feet, arms behind my back as I scared the crap out of the fat friar.

"Merlin left toe!" He jumped, if ghosts can jump. "What are you doing?"

"Asking you about your life." I smiled. "Would you say you had any unsolved resolutions?"

"How in merlins beard would I know?"

"Uh well you are a ghost," I pointed out. I grabbed the notebook in hand. "Now would you say you had any faults. Envy? Revenge? Sloth? No wait." I smiled as I read my notes. "It says here you were too kind is that correct?"

"Too kind?" He looked down at my notebook, "I've never heard of just a thing."

"Then care to explain?"

"Uh well it goes like this, I was born in the year...."

It's been a few weeks since we last saw mr.Keating and it was currently Friday and instead of going to our cave, Hogsmeade or the school grounds, we were all on our separate ways 'interviewing' ghosts.

"...and so I would try to heal people from the pox-" he went on.

"Uh-h PENNY!" I heard someone yell as they came down running down the hall that leads to the kitchens.

It was Todd. "Penny come quick! Look what I found."

I turned to the fat friar who grew silent.

"Can we continue this later? Thank you."

"Come on." Todd said as he grabbed my hand and yanked me.

"What has gotten into you?" I rambled as I struggled to run after him.

We passed Charlie on the way who was talking headless Nick ear off and he called out: "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." I answered as I panted and tried to keep up.

Eventually Todd lead me to the seventh floor on the left corridor.

"This is it?"

"So, I Uh." Todd stumbled over his words. " I was pacing this corridor and, I Uh I was wishing I could simply find books instead of going up to ghosts-"

"Because you're shy." I nodded.

"No, Uh maybe, no. But anyway." Not only was he stuttering he looked excited and out of breathe. "And so I'm pacing and I'm thinking when this-this door appears and inside is a library."

"What no way?" I gasped. "Of ghosts?"

"Y-yes." He looked down and blushed.

I walked up to the wall. "But where is it now?"

"It disappeared and I Uh, I think you need to pace for it to give you what you want."

I began pacing. "I want a room with a bed." I said.

Nothing happened.

"I paced for a while." Todd looked down.

"You try."

"I want a library." He began pacing and I noticed in the third time a door appeared.

We peered inside and there was a ton of books.

"Okay let's try again." I smiled. "You need to pace three times apparently."

I began pacing. "I want a cool hang out place."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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