Ch. 9

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"So, who did Chandler invite over?" Jasper asked.

"I don't know i guess we-" I was interupted by a knock at the door. "And that's them now," I stood from where I was sitting and ran up the stairs from my basement to greet them. i opened the door to find Chandler and his friend right behind him. "Hey stranger!" I pecked his lips as they walked inside.

"Hey babe, this is Sam." I waved as he walked passed. Sam had blonde hair that streched down to his ears and greenish blue eyes. Next to Chandler, Sam's a real looker. I shook that thought away and lead the two to my basement where Jasper, Callie and I set up movies, snacks and games. We all sat down, Chandler next to me, Jasper on a lazy-boy, and Callie and Sam sitting awkwardly apart on another couch. I smirked at her and she blushed. I guess we can add Sam to her list of crushes!

"So what do y'all want to do?" I asked.

"Oo oo, I know let's play truth or dare! No chickening out." Jasper said. I like that idea.

"Ok," we all agreed and started playing. Chandler went first.

"Hey Sam," he looked this way and his eyes were pleading, no! "Truth or Dare?"


"Exactly what I wanted to hear, is it true that you have a little crush on Callie?" He said smirking. God, that looked sexy!

"Is it too late to ask for a dare?" Sam pleaded.

"Ok Sam, I dare you to admit that you have a crush on Callie."

"You know Chandler you're so fucked up, you know that's not how it goes," Sam whined. "YES! Ok fine, I have a crush on her, satisfied!?!"

"Very!" Chandler replied wrapping an arm around my shoulders smiling. Callie was blushed up a storm and starring at Sam, while he was burying his face in his knees in embarrassment. It was so cute, I kinda felt bad for Jasper for being a lone man, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. Sam looked up realizing it was his turn.

"Ok, Jasper Truth or Dare?"

"I'm not afraid of a dare,"

"Alright, I dare you to go upstairs, get on one knee, and tell Ms. Meyers that you love her." Jasper got wide eyed.

"O-ok," he made his way up the stairs and we all crept quietly behind him. Jasper went to my mother and got on one knee. She was confused. "M-ms. Meyers, I have never told you this but I love you,"

"JASPER, STOP YOUR NONSENSE AND GET BACK DOWN STAIRS!" She screamed, everyone was shocked so they ran back down and I stayed. "And I know it was a dare hun," she whispered to him while winking, I was the only one who heard the last part. I giggled to myself and Jasper and I made our way to the basement.


After a few more rounds of the game it was Callie's turn again.

"Ashleigh!" Oh nuts. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I simply said.

"I dare you to make out with Chandler for five minutes." she smirked. Really? I mean he's my boyfriend so it's not a big deal. But it was also a little awkward with everyone else here, plus I never really made out with Chandler before and I didn't want our first make out session with him to be infront of all my friends. I shrugged my shoulders. I placed my hand on his cheeks and crashed my lips to his. It was like fireworks, the way we moved in sync was perfect and how soft his lips were on mine. It felt like we were the only two people in the world.

Callie's P.O.V

Oh shit there doing it. I'm not that surprised he is her boyfriend. I glance at Sam. Gosh he was cute. I wish he knew how I felt.

Sam's P.O.V

Wow that's a sight, they went through with it. I peeked over to Callie. Gosh she's pretty.

"Hey, Callie?" I whispered.


"Can I see your phone for a sec?" She nodded he head and handed it to me. I went into her contacts and looked at her number I got my phone and typed it in, and adding myself into hers while I was at it. I looked over to the two lovebirds after I handed her phone back, they were still kissing!?!

"Alright you two get a room be for this starts to get even more heated!" I shouted and the stopped.

Ashleigh's P.O.V

After Sam finished telling Chandler and I to cut the crap I thought of an idea!

"Hey guys, you know what we should do?" I said grinning.

"What?" They replied in unison.

"Have a sleepover."


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I will try and post more often. Sooooooo tell me what you think of the book. I wanna hear what you have to say.

I also I wanted to announce some very excited news about October. IM GOING TO COMIC CON! Yea I know most of you are probably like "she's such a geek" but I don't give a damn.

I also wanted to say thank you to the people who continue to read my book it makes me so glad to know that people out there enjoy it and I hope more will. Comment. Star. Enjoy!


Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now