Chapter 17

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Read this before you read the chapter!

Hey everyone so I got one entry from the contest and that's my good friend Shannon_andersen

(Check out her books she's a good writer!)

I was expecting at LEAST two or three more entries, but that didn't happen. Y'all disappointed me.

Well a promise is a promise and here's the chapter for you guys! Enjoy!

P.S I will upload the book cover soon

(Chandler's P.O.V)

I went outside to see what was taking Ashleigh so long. And when I walked out, she wasn't there. I ran back inside and got the others.

"Hey! Ashleigh's gone." I said.

"What!? What do you mean she's gone?" Callie said.

"I-I went to go check for her and she was just...gone."

(Ashleigh's P.O.V)

"Wake up!" the female voice shouted. I woke with a jolt, to the feeling of freezing cold water rushing down my skin. I noticed that I was in a dark room only lit by the bright light above my head and it only shone on the area around me. When I tried to bring my hands in front of me my wrists began to burn from the rope that bonded my hands to the chair. The girl must have noticed my pain because she chuckled "Hurts doesn't it?" She said from the shadows "Good! Cause you shattered my heart when you wiggled your way into Chandler's!" That voice! She finally stepped into the light and I saw that her mascara was running like crazy.

"Rachel...." I said in disgust. She glared at me cheeks inflamed.

"That's right bitch, I'm back." she put her hands on either side of the chair's armrests and stared into my eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I said with my teeth clenched.

"I just wanted to tell you something....something important...something unusual...something pretty damn crazy to believe." She said with a light laugh.

"What the hell! You didn't have to kidnap me though!" I yelled.

"Yes I did, because if I had tried to tell you you wouldn't have listened." she spat. I grimmest and tsked.

"And that is." I said coldly.

"This," she said gesturing to all around her. "Isn't real. This isn't your reality."

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I shouted, I struggled to wiggle my hands free from the ropes but only to have my skin rubbed raw.

"FYI...struggling only makes it hurt even more. So just relax, and here me out." She circled the room as it filled with silence and the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of her heels and our breathing "This is all a dream. Your dream to be exact, and none of this is real. Basically a different dimension. Like I told you before. Chandler doesn't love you, because in your reality he doesn't exist, now I may have not said those exact words but you get my point."

"And why the fuck should I believe a crazy bitch like you!" I yelled.

"Hon, there is no need for any telling. Do you hear me screaming my head off? No. Anyways...why wouldn't you." She was right. No matter how much I despise the skank...she was right, why wouldn't I believe her. What would she get out of it if didn't. I'd rather regret believing it and it was a lie, than regret not believing it only to find out she was telling the truth.

"B-but..I don't wanna wake up."

"You have to go back." She spat.

"I love my life here, I've got a career, a great family, a boyfriend who loves me. Why would I want to wake up?" She pulled up a chair and sat in front of me.

"You know it pains me to know how alike we are. I would feel the same way. Also when you go back things might not be 100% different than this world." She said looking and picking at her nails.

"When will I go home that's if I go back?" I asked.

"When I send you back, and don't worry I'll give you five days to say goodbye. But I don't want you here, you just ruined everything once you showed up. And now..." she said leaning forward "I'm going to be the one to send you back to your real reality. Your gonna be pretty pissed once you find out how fucked up things are there." She laughed and stood up grabbing a bat lying on the ground "All that's left is to bring you back home, well...your home here that is." She raised the bat and swung knocking me out cold.


I woke up to the sound of faint beeping and I looked around to find balloons and flowers around me. My head was pounding like a jackhammer and I sat up making it worse. I noticed my surroundings and came to the conclusion that I was in the hospital. I heard the door open and when I looked up I came face to face with a pair of crystal blue eyes. The same eyes I fell head over heels for. The same eyes I'll be saying goodbye to in five days.

"Ashleigh...." He mumbled.

"Hey Chan," I said the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. He ran to me and engulfed me in a huge embrace.

"God Ashleigh you have no idea how worried I was." We released from our embrace and I stared into his eyes.

"What happened?"

"Y-you don't remember?" He asked.

"No." I lied, he ran his hand through his hair and I patted the spot next to me telling him to sit. We laid down next to each other with my head resting on his chest.

"Ok. Friday night I went to check on you cause you were taking so long to take out the trash and when I got there you were gone. We called the police and about five minutes after they arrived your mom came home. Boy was she a train wreck." I laughed "The police were searching everywhere until they found you the next morning in an ally covered in blood and with a minor concussion. They took you straight to the hospital and you've been here ever since. The police still haven't found your kidnapper." He finished.

"What's today?" I asked.

"Sunday." I looked at the clock and it read 9:57.

"When am I allowed to leave?"

"Whenever your ready." I nodded and pointed to the door. "What?"

"Well I'm not going to undress I front of you." I said. Chandler sighed and walked out the door. I quickly put on a change of clothes that were left for me, probably by my mom, and called Chandler to come back in. "So whose all this from." I said gesturing to all the gifts.

"The cast. Mostly Andy, Norman, Steven, and Lauren." I nodded and ate one of the chocolates on my bedside table. "The directors said you can get back to shooting when you feel better." I intertwined our fingers and we walked out the room.

"Can't wait." I said knowing It'll never happen. "Where's my mom?"

"Waiting out side." He said. Starting now, I'm going to make these last four days count.

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now