Ch. 13

150 12 2

(Picture on the side is Allison's guns)

Chandler and I walked out of the make up trailer and towards the set hand and hand.

"Hey Chandler?" He looked at me.

"Yeah?" He said.

"What does the hat mean, I haven't gotten to that part yet?" I asked gesturing to the hat. A smirk stretched on the side of his mouth.

"Well, in season two I got shot, and that's when we met the Green family and Hershel patched me up. Rick told me 'your in the got shot club'." I nodded and grabbed his hat placing it on my head. "Hey."

"I dunno know, I think it suits me better." I said showing off.

"Yeah well, too bad." he placed the hat back on his head. When we got to the set I was in awe. It was bigger in person. The prison was amazing, we passed a few 'walkers' also, they looked so real. "Do ya like what you see?" Chandler said stopping and facing me.

"No." he looked puzzled. "I love it!" I jumped in his strong arms and kissed him passionately.

"Hey! No PDA on set!" we turned to see Steven and Norman in costume already. Chandler was blushed madly for getting caught.

"Wow, you look great Ashleigh." Steven said.

"Well, you don't look to bad yourself." I said nudging him with my elbow. That's when Chandler wrapped an arm around my torso, sending warmth throughout my body.

"We should get going." Norman said. I nodded and we walked on set.

About thirty minutes later I was told to wait in the woods section, when the director walked over.

"It's nice to see you again Ashleigh." Robert said. He shook my hand. Robert always had a welcoming smile, which made me feel a little less nervous.

"You too." I stated.

"Ok so for your first episode were just doing something simple," I nodded "Your going to start right here," I walked to the spot he was pointing at. "And just run out straight towards the prison. When you reach here," he said standing in a specific in spot. "You'll stop and that'll be the end of the episode, then the fans'll have to wait till February for the next episode." I nodded. Things couldn't get any simpler!

Robert walked back to his chair as cameras zoomed in on me.

"Ok and, ACTION!"


I had been walking for miles trying to look for shelter when something caught my eye, I looked up into the trees. Was that a tower? I started to sprint towards the edge of the woods when I came to a halt. I couldn't believe it I was finally honing to be ok. I can survive. "I did it mom."

_______End of Scene_______

Everyone clapped and cheered for me while I blushed and brushed it off.

"C'mon guys, that was probably the most simplest thing that could be done here." I said, they just kept going on anyways.

"Yeah... but you still looked pretty cool." Chandler said giving me a high give. Pink dusted my cheeks a little as Lauren nudged my arm with her elbow.

"Ok everyone time to film February's episode!" Robert called out. A wide smile plastered on my face.

"Yes! This time I'll get more lines." I said, fist pumping the air. Chandler chuckled a bit and laced our fingers together.

"Let's go get some food, silly." I practically skipped to the food table as Chandler led me there.

We both got a plate of wings and sat down to watch the others film before they called us for our scenes. We got bored after a few minutes and walked to Chandler's trailer to play video games.

'Norman Reedus, Ashliegh Evans, Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, and Steven Yeun to set please'

"Yay! C'mon Chandler." I grabbed his wrist and started sprinting to set, dragging Chandler behind me.
"Im so excited!" I turned around and saw Chandler bend over with his hands on his knees. "Oh, sorry." I giggled.

"'s...o...kay." he looked so tired. Man he's out of shape, I didn't break a sweat. I could practically feel the adrenaline flooding my veins from excitement.

"Let's go!" I grabbed Chandler and we hugged to the spot we're needed in. "Hey Chandler can you go get Kayla and Kris? I promised them I'd get them so they could watch." He nodded and brought them to their seats.

"Hey squirt! Ya ready!" Norman said giving me a side hug. I nodded vigorously.

"Born ready."


"Who are you?" I jumped in fright as a man, who looked in his late thirties, pointed a gun at me. "I said who are you!?!" He reloaded the gun, I jumped in panic when I heard the click of his colt python. The barrel met the spot between my eyes, he was only feet away from me. I could see a boy about my age standing right behind him, with a sheriffs hat on. He was kinda cute.

"My name is Allison, I was just looking for so were to stay." I said, you could obviously hear the fear in my voice. Slowly, I placed my guns on the ground, my baretta 92's, they were my favorite.

"Rick!" I fixed my gaze on a man standing next to Rick. "Your scaring the fuck outta her I got it."
Rick let out a frustrating sigh and nodded. "What's your name kid?" the man said. He looked too familiar.

"Allison, yours?" he looked shocked.

"Darly and w-what's your last name?" No! It can't be!

"Dixon, my name is Allison Dixon," my voice cracked and I started to tear up. "Dad?" I said crying.

"Alli!" we embraced eachother with a big bear hug, falling to our knees and crying. "I found you, I finally found you!"


_______End of Scene_______

"Wow that was great guys, so much emotion, I love it!" Robert said. Chandler ran up to my and wrapped his arms around me, I blushed. Has he been working out?

"Wow that was better than I imagined Ash!" I tuned around to find Kayla and Kris running up to me.

"Ash!" They said in unison. "You were so cool!" I gave them side hugs.

"Aw thanks guys." Robert walked over to where ere ere standing.

"Hey Ashleigh, you did fantastic, I think that's all we need from you today." I nodded and walked back to my trailer to get changed.

I was in my normal clothes, scrubbing the fake dirt and blood off me when I heard my trailer door open. I walked out of the bathroom and Chandler was there.

"Hey, what's up?" I said walking up to him.

"Oh your mom's here to pick you up, Kayla and Kris are already in the car." I nodded and laced my fingers with his.

"C'mon let's go." I kissed his cheek and we walked out hand in hand.

This was the best day ever.

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora