Chapter 18

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It was dark and I was chilled to the bone. Street lights lit up the cracked sidewalk I walked upon. The faint smell of pine filled my nose and I noticed a house in the distance. Light shined through the windows illuminating the house, it was the only house that showed signs of light, my house. I quickened my pace speed walking to my humble abode and rubbing my arms up and down trying to keep warm, it was a very cold autumn night. As I drew closer to my house I noticed that lights flashed on, at a home three houses down. That house... it looked so familiar... but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Silhouettes of two figures talking appeared on the other side of the front window. I couldn't quite make out who it was because of the curtain shade. Soon the front door opened and there stood a boy and a girl. A friend and a foe. A paramour and an enemy. Chandler and Rachel. I was now fifteen yards away and not a second later they kissed. Right when there lips met Chandler saw me and pushed her away. Tears began to stream down my porcelain cheeks as I felt my heart shatter.

"A-Ashleigh! No it's not what it looks like, let me explain!" He shouted. Rachel smirked and winked at me which only mad my broken heart ache even more. My saddness turned to anger as I looked at the flannel Chandler left and started taking it off. I crumpled it into a ball and threw it at him.

"And to think...I thought you loved me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go back." I said.

"Go back, what are you talking about Ash!?" Chandler yelled.

"Just shut up, you have no right to be calling me that!" I I spun on my heel and ran into the street with my eyes closed. Io didn't care where I just ran, I never wanted to see his face again. All of a sudden I heard Chandler scream.

"WATCH OUT!!!" I opened my eyes to come face to face with a bright light speeding towards me.

..then everything went black


I woke up with a cold sweat gasping for air as I looked to my clock on my bedside table that read 3:17am. I put my head in my hands in relief and sighed.

"It was only a dream." I laughed slightly and looked back up. "Yet so is this." I plopped back down onto my bed and grabbed my phone at my bedside table and decided to text Chandler.

-Hey I know it's late but do u think u can come over

-yeah I'll be there in 5

Just as he said he would, Chandler knocked on my window and I let him in. I cold breeze blew in making me shiver as I closed the window.

"So what's wrong?" He laid down next to me and I cuddled into his chest.

"I had a bad dream, I just wanted to see you. Sorry for waking you up." I said.

"Anything for you." he said kissing the top of my head. I just didn't understand. I don't know what to believe anymore. How could he not be real?! How could any of this not be real!? My world is crumbling and I don't know how to prevent myself from being crushed by the ashes. My frustration and anger got the best of me as the salty tears began to stream down my face. Chandler got shocked and slightly scared as he began to rock me back and forth.

"Ash? Ashleigh what's wrong?" He whispered.

"I-It's n-nothing. I-I'm sorry, I'm being stupid." I sat up and wiped the tears away.

"No, no you're not. Clearly something's bothering you. Tell me." he pleaded holding my hands firmly.

"But that's the thing Chandler, I can't tell you. It kills me to keep secrets from you but, I have no choice." I wined, he looked down, his hair covering his eyes and quickly looked back up making his crystal clear blue eyes visible. Soon I will have to leave those beautiful eye, along with the boy who holds them. But today is not that day.

"Ok." A warm wave of thankfulness washed through me "I get it, you can't tell me. But I want you to promise me something?" I nodded for him to continue  "Whatever's going on, whatever it is you're going through. I want you to promise you won't ever leave my side." The warmth in me left as sudden as it came.

"Chandler I-"

"Ashleigh..." He said cutting me off "Please." I nodded letting the tears fall once more as he pulled me back into his tight embrace. Chandler's found a way to wiggle himself into my heart, but now he has to leave it. And I don't think there's anyone who can fill the gap again.


Helloooooo everybody! So this chapter was kind of a fill in to describe how Ashleigh's been feeling. But enough of that, who watched the two episodes Fear the Walking Dead!? 🙋 I did! Comment what you thought of the show so far.

Till next time......!

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now