Ch. 2

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Just my luck. He was in every one of my classes, but thank god it was lunch, he'll probably go sit with the 'populars'.

Again, WRONG! Callie, Jasper, and I were sitting at our small round table eating.

"Hey look, pretty boy over there doesn't know were to sit," Callie said. I vigorously shook my head cause I know she's going to call Chandler over to sit with us. While carrying his lunch tray he started to walk up and down the isles looking for a place to sit, then he notices Callie waving at him and starts...TO WALK OVER HERE!?!?

"Callie no!," I pout at her. She just giggles.

"Hey guys, I'm Chandler," he says to Jasper and Callie, Jasper has no words he's just wide eyed and shaking. I laugh at Chandler and he looks at me. I quickly cover my mouth with both my hands. "I remember you, your Ashleigh right?" I nodded my head.

"What classes do you have together?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

"So, far all of them," he grinned. The rest of the lunch period was talking and laughing.

"So Chandler, how come your not sitting with those walking manikins over there," I said, he shrugged.

"I guess I'm not into stuff like that, it's too.......fake and gross," he replied while making a face.

"Oh really," Callie said while smirking and elbowing me. I blushed and finished the rest of my lunch.


Lunch, sixth, seventh, and eighth period flew by quickly and Chandler wasn't in any of those classes, fewf. I met up with Jasper and Callie so we can walk home together but, surprise surprise. Chandler was with them.

"Hey, Chandler's joining us for ice cream. Wanna come?" Jasper asks.

"Sure," I said shrugging my shoulders. It was an awkward walk to the ice cream shop in the park, no one spoke.

Once we were about a block away from the shop I wanted to break the awkward silence with something fun.

"Ok stop." everyone stopped walking and turned to face me. "Let's have a race, boys vs. girls,"

"Alright," they said.

"Wait." Jasper said "Let's sweeten the deal,"

"Ok, whatcha got?" I said crossing my arms. This should be good! He's gotta know he'll loose.

"Ok. If we win you buy our ice cream and if you win we buy yours." he stated, proud of himself.

"Deal," I smirked. We all lined up on the sidewalk. "Ready. Set. GO!" I knew I would beat Jasper because I know how fast he can really go when he pushes himself. But Chandler I don't know, I just met him. I turned my head to find me and him neck and neck. I started to sprint even more.

"I win!" I shout. Everyone caught up and they look like there going to pass out, I didn't even break a sweat.

"Wow your fast," Chandler said panting "That'll be great for when you addition on Saturday."

"Wait how do you know about that?!" I said.

"Callie and Jasper told me," I shot them a death glare. If looks could kill. "You know, you seem a lot different out of school,"

"Well, yeah...." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "So, how bout that ice cream?" I asked smiling. I just really wanted to change the subject. The boys sighed because they know they have to pay. "I'll get a vanilla soft serve ice cream sundae with strawberry topping." Callie ordered a neopolitian cone with chocolate drizzle, Chandler ordered a plain Nutella soft serve sundae, Jasper ordered a mint chocolate chip cone with gummy bears.

"Ew Jasper, gummy bears?" Callie complained as we sit down on the picnic table.

"Uh, hell yeah!" He made us all laugh. Chandler was smiling at me, my stomach got a swarm of butterflies when he did. We were looking at each other when Callie and Jasper started Oooing. My face heated up and we looked away.

Callie screwed the moment "Ok, ok. Let's go home."

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now