Ch. 1

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-----Ashleigh Evans-----

Favorite thing: books

Age: 14

Hair/eye color: brown

Favorite tv show: the walking dead

Height: 5,2"

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Siblings: younger twins (boy and girl)

Favorite color: blue ombré

Favorite band: Fall Out Boy


"ASHLEIGH, WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" my mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Uuuuuugggg," I woke up with a huge headache and couldn't remember anything from the day before yesterday and on. I really do not want to go to school today, mater-fact, I never want to go to school any day. I grabbed my phone, October 2nd, 7:15am. I huffed, dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my glasses from the side table. it's a good thing my bedroom connects to the bathroom. In five minutes I walked out all ready. I don't take as long as any other girl cause what they do in there is plaster tons of makeup all over them and wear skippy clothes.

"Skanks," I mumble. I only put on foundation, powder, eyeliner, and mascara. I was wearing a white lace cardigan, light wash jeans, a black and white elephant top, and black vans. I curled my hair in big beach curls and left it down. I thought I looked cute today. Nothing special, just for myself I kept my glasses on though cause I didn't wanna put my contacts on today. On the announcements yesterday the Principal told us we'd be getting a new student. I don't know who it will be but I hope it's a girl I could gain a new friend.

Knock knock knock

"Ashleigh your friends are here," I perked up real quick, I grabbed my phone, backpack and ran downstairs. Callie and Jasper, I greeted them with a smile, they waved. Callie and Jasper have been my best friends for as long as I can remember, there always here when I needed them most. We started walking to school it only took ten minutes for all of us since were neighbors.

"You look cute today Ashleigh, what's the occasion?" Callie questioned.

"Does there have to be one?" I asked chuckling.

"No no. SO," Callie started, "Who do you think the new kid will be. A girl, a guy." she finished slyly. Callie has always been boy crazy she has like seven different crushes.

"I hope it's a guy too," said Jasper "Cause I'm always feeling out number by our trio," we laughed.

"I don't care what they are anymore, I just hope the "popular" kids don't get them first. "Also my auditions are coming up this weekend......." I was cut off by Callie.

"Ohhhhhh, I really hope you get a part in The Walking Dead." Jasper agreed with her without hesitating. The Walking Dead was obviously all our favorite tv show.

When we arrived at school, I was surprised to find all the girls screaming and huddling up around someone. Huh. Maybe the new kid is a guy. When I walked into school I thought I was away from the noise, till now. The girls screaming was traveling in my direction making my headache from this morning even worse. So I quickly grabbed the things I needed till lunch and ran to my homeroom. "Peace and quiet," I sighed. WRONG!

As soon as the bell rang I speed walked to my first period class. I sat down In the back with an empty seat next to me, as always. I pulled out my book and started to read.

"Class?" Mrs. Brooke's started to say "We have a new student with us today, Chandler Riggs," my face went as pale as a sheet I couldn't look anymore. OMFG, it's him it's really him! "I want you all to make him fell welcome, now Chandler you may go take a seat next to Ashleigh,"

"Thank you," he said. I covered my face with my book cause it was trembling. Why next to me!? Me!? I was really wishing we were still in rows instead of in pairs of two. Every second he got closer and closer, he sat right beside me. Oh shit, I am extremely terrified. If it was any other person I'd welcome them with open arms, but this is Chandler Riggs were talking about here, he's on Callie, Jasper and, I's favorite tv show. The Walking Dead. He's a freakin star. I'm gonna make a fool of myself. No, your not. Calm down, calm, calm. I told myself.

"Hi, I'm Chandler." he said.

"Hi..I-I..know..I-I mean..I'm Ashleigh," I stuttered. Nice first impression idiot. I really feel like punching my subconscious right now.

I could already tell, today's going to be like hell.

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now