Ch. 6

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Chandler was walking me back to my house when I started shivering, I didn't know it'd be cold out tonight.

"Are you cold? Here." he said sweetly. He started pulling off his flannel shirt leaving him with just his white one, and laying it on my shoulders. I gratefully accepted it.

"Thanks," I said. I got lost in that blue paradise for eyes. I kissed him on the cheek and interlaced my fingers with his, holding his hand. He smiled and we kept walking.

I reached my porch steps waving him goodbye and when I turned around, Chandler spun me back gently so I was facing him. We were nose to nose, chest to chest, and forehead to forehead. I started to blush.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" I was in complete shock, I had no words. And with that I placed my lips on his, moving them in sync.

"So, is that a yes?" He said grinning, I giggled and nodded my head. I pecked him on the lips one last time before walking into the house. I shut the door and placed my back on it trying to process what just happened. Realization hit me. I have a boyfriend!!! And he's Chandler freakin Riggs!!!

"Nice kiss sis....." I whipped my head around to face her. ".....and you still have his flannel. Niiiiice" Kayla said while making kissy faces. She was eating a bowl of popcorn and watching tv in the living room. Dammit I forgot to give it back to him, it smelled just like him. Ah, it was like a lavender vanilla sent.

"Thank you," I said while stealing a handful of popcorn.

"Hey! You didn't even ask." I shrugged my shoulders and sat down next to her.

"So where's Kris you two are always together?" I looked around to see if he was near.

"Upstairs hold on a sec. Come in Nighthawk," Kayla said on her walkie talkie. Nighthawk? Interesting.

"Nighthawk to Canary here," Kris answered over the walkie.

"Robin has entered the nest, I'm sending her up."

"Rodger that. Nighthawk out." Kris finished.

"You guys gave me a name already?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, go upstairs to Kris," she said while gesturing to the steps. I said ok and walked up the stairs to his and her room. I saw Kris looking out the window with binoculars.

"Hey sis, you know you still have....." I cut him off.

"I know man, so whatcha doin?" I walked over to him.

"Watching Chandler walk home," excuse me, why?

"What!?!" I grabbed the binoculars away from his eyes and I looked through them. He was a little ways down the block. I bit my lip, I never noticed how sexy his walk was. Damn. He turned around and smirked and waved when he saw me staring at him through the window. "Oh shit," I ducked underneath the window and my face started to heat up.

I was now in my room doing my homework when I got a text.

- Goodnight babe. C u tomorrow ;)
I love u <3

- Night, luv u 2 xox

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling smiling. I never would have expected my life to turn out to be this amazing. I have two of the greatest siblings, a wonderful mom, and the most amazing boyfriend I could have ever asked for. I sat up and leaned against my pillows, taking out my phone to text Callie.

- hey gurl u sill awake?

- duh, I couldn't sleep knowing my best friend was on her first date

- LOL Callie meet me on Skype so Jasper can get in on this 2

- k

I switched contacts and texted Jasper.

- hey bud, meet me and Callie on Skype

- gr8 c ya there

I turned on my Dell Inspiron 11 3000 windows laptop and logged into Skype.

"Hey!" The three of us said at the same time.

"So, tell me everything gurl, tell me all the juicy deats!" I rolled my eyes.

"Yuck, Callie." Jasper complained.

"Oh shut up Jasper, go on hun!" Callie squealed.

I sighed. "It was an amazing dinner, he was so sweet the entire time..." I looked back at the screen and could tell Callie was intrigued, even Jasper! "...he walked me home we kissed and-" I was cut off by Callie.

"YOU TWO KISSED!?! OMG ASH!" She screamed.

"Shhhh, my mother will hear ya dummy," I giggled.

"Well, I am officially deph." Jasper said, we all broke out into laughter.

"That's not even the best part!" I said.

"Well, tell me tell me tell meeeee!" Callie was practically out of her seat.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I replied softly, then out of nowhere.

"AHHHHH! This is so great Ash. I'm so happy for you." she shouted.

"Same here girl!" Jasper said.

I sighed "Well, I need to get to bed, I gotta big day tomorrow. Goodnight!"

"Night, good luck." Callie said signing off.

"Goodnight, break a leg," Jasper followed.

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now