Ch. 4

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Kayla and Kris were right about what they said on Monday, Chandler ended up dumping Rachel on Wednesday. Today at school wasn't as bad as the past four days. I was getting use to Chandler being there. But what I'm not use to is the glares girls are always giving me when I'm with him. It makes me stand out too much and weak.

"What's wrong?" Chandler asked as we walked to lunch.

"Oh um, I'll tell you when we get to the table so I can tell Callie and Jasper as well." I probably shouldn't dwell on this, I've always been a softie around others and they knew that but now, I feel as though they see me as a threat.

Chandler and I waited for the other two for a few minutes until they finally walk in. They usually get here before me, well in this case us. They sat down and greeted us.

"Hey, so is it noticeable that I'm a threat to all the other girls?" I asked them while biting my bottom lip.

"Oh yeah," they said in unison.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," I said smiling. Note the sarcasm.

"Sorry," they replied. I wrapped my arms on the table so I could lay my head on them.

"I don't know why though, it's not like you two are together." Callie said taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Yeah," Jasper said.

"I guess it's just that they're always seeing me with you, like when were partners in class, walking in the halls to our next period, or siting with each other. They obviously feel threatened." Chandler stated. I nodded and began to eat my lunch.


At the end of school I walked out the building to Chandler.

"Hey you, where's Callie and Jasper." I asked looking around.

"They went home bu......" he said smiling but I cut him off before he could finish. Whoops.

"What, they left without me?!" I'm pissed this is great I hate walking home alone.

"But," he started to say while chuckling "What I was going to say before you cut me off is I told them to leave." that makes more sense. I rubbed the side of my eye to adjust my contact a little.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause I have a surprise for you c'mon," he said excitingly while grinning. He grabbed my hand and steered me towards the park a few blocks away. I got butterflies in my stomach when he did, my face heated up.

When we got there I saw two men sitting at a bench. I squinted to try and make out who they were but I couldn't see we were to far, well for me at least. Damn my sucky vision.

"Let's go," Chandler said still holding my hand as we slightly jogged towards them. They waved, my eyes widen when I realized who they were. It was Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus. My breathing increased and I thought I was going to pass out. Typical fan girl. "Ashleigh this is Andrew and Norman," he said gesturing towards them.

"H-hi I'm Ashleigh," I stuttered while shaking their hands.

"We know. Chandler told us all about you," Andrew said. "He also told us about your audition tomorrow, all three of us are going to be there." dammit Chandler, even more people at stare at me.

"Um, yeah I hope I get the part." I said.

Norman laughed. "I hope you do but first, what's goin on there," he said pointing at Chandler and I's hand. We were still holding hands! OMG. We quickly let go and we started to blush. "Ok, ok. Here Ashleigh this is the script for tomorrow you'll be auditioning of the role as my long lost daughter. Your characters first appearance is in the middle of season four. You are also the first person auditioning to be reviving this script." Norman finished saying while winking at me. This is so great. Today couldn't get anymore perfect.

Andrew looked at a text he got and frowned. "We have to leave, we are needed on set. It was nice meeting you Ashleigh." and with that they left. when the were out of site I turned to face Chandler and gave him a huge hug while smiling.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"It's no problem," he replied hugging me back. I let go and got lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. "We should go," he whispered.

"Yeah." I said and we walked back to my house. It was 2:00 when we got back. When we got on my porch Chandler started to look nervous. I'm confused.

"As-Ashleigh?" I turned around.


"I've wanted to tell you this once I laid eyes on you. I like you a lot, not like a friend but, I like like you," I had no words so I grinned.

"I like you too," his face lit up.

"Will you go out with me?" I nodded and he hugged me. "I'll see you tonight at 6:00. Ok?"

"Ok, goodbye Chandler," and with that I kissed him on the cheek and walked into my house closing the door. Today was the best day ever.

Dreamless Reality (A Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu