I'll have your back

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Arlo walked next to Rei as they meandered through the hallways. It was just the two of them as classes were currently going on.

It was rare the two of them got a moment like this together.

Rei normally had classes but his teacher didn't show up. So he decided to accompany the blonde to the roof.

Arlo had a free block during this time and was on his way up towards the roof when the two bumped into each other.

The greenette sighed slightly, a smile crossing his face. "It feels good to have a free block for once. I can't stand listening to Mr. Manti drone on about Calculus."

Arlo rolled his eyes. "You do realize you could just skip, right? It is one of the perks of being a royal."

Rei shrugged. "Yeah, but then mom would get on me for not going, how I should be taking this seriously, etcetera, etcetera."

The blonde couldn't argue with him there. He had met Rei's family before and he could say without a doubt that his mother was as fierce as she was energetic.

Actually, everyone in Rei's family was energetic. While his younger sister Remi was more bubbly than her brother, they both had that carefree, kind attitude.

His dad wasn't home often but the man was more laid back than his wife and kids. Arlo knew without a doubt that Rei and Remi took after their mother.

Arlo on the other hand didn't know what to expect when he first met Rei's family.

But despite his formalities and business demeanor, he had quickly warmed up to the family, finding that he felt quite comfortable around all of them.

He felt safe, cared for.

Wanted even.

They had become like a fami-...no, what was he thinking?

It wasn't right to think of Rei's family as his own.

The blonde had his own parents and his aunt as well as his siblings who lived on the other side of the country.

He shouldn't be considering them a second family to him when he already had one.

Arlo was snapped from his thoughts as he climbed up the stairs with Rei at his heels, the two of them reaching the top.

The blonde opened the door and took a deep breath, enjoying the spring breeze that cupped his face.

The sky was completely clear, not a single cloud in sight. Arlo felt the faintest smile on his face as he stared up at the ocean of blue drifting above his head.

Rei walked past him and plopped down next to the chain link fence. He looked to Arlo and happily patted the spot next to him.

The blonde huffed but put up no fight as he sat next to his mentor.

Rei stared up at the sky for a minute before looking to the blonde. "It feels weird to be graduating this year...part of me almost doesn't want to leave."

Arlo raised an eyebrow. "Really? Weren't you psyched a week ago that you would finally be able to leave this place behind?"

The mint haired male shrugged. "Kinda...but after thinking about it, I realized that there are some things I'm not ready to say goodbye to yet..."

Arlo raised an eyebrow. He knew Rei like the back of his hand by now. He could see that this was bothering him.

"Like what?"

Rei looked down slightly, an almost pained look crossing his face. He sighed as he rested his head on his knees.

"Just-...nevermind. You'll probably think it's stupid anyways."

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