Night Terrors

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A/N: Ok, despite the title and being shorter than usual, this is actually really fluffy. :3 Takes place a little after John tells William about his readjustment classes.

*Warning*: This chapter contains mentions of trauma, both past and present, and nightmares. Viewer discretion is advised please!

P.S/Edit: Do NOT try to wake someone having a nightmare/night terror as it could disorient them. And thank you BOBBOT164 for letting me know btw. :3

William was known to be a bit of a night owl sometimes, especially when he had drafts to do or a deadline that was coming up.

Currently, that's exactly what he was doing as he sat at the table, light still on and papers spread out while he double and triple checked for errors and mistakes.

While he was fond of his editor, he didn't want to give the man more unnecessary work over the more simple things he might miss.

But he'd later thank himself for staying up to do extra work when he caught on to the faint sounds of gasping and mumbling.

Raising an eyebrow, he got up and made his way over to where he heard the noises from, the sounds seeming to come from John's room.

William made his way over to the door, quietly opening it and poking his head in. "John...?"

But that's when John's gasps and mumbling had become screams, the kid crying out to whatever was seeming to attack him in his dreams.

William was about to go over but stopped as John bolted up in bed, a terrified 'NO!' ripping past his lips.

His golden eyes were wide and frightened, a sheen of sweat covering his skin and a trembling making him shake like a leaf.

He stared ahead at nothing as he panted, his breaths strained and tired.

William stood there, eyes also wide as he gave John a minute to breathe and collect himself before he finally spoke.


The teen physically jumped and snapped his head over to the man, eyes still wide and scared. But he slowly spoke, his voice strained and so, so small.


William nodded and slowly moved to sit on the bed.

John did nothing but watch him, keeping track of his movements and flinching slightly when he felt Williams weight settle close to his legs.

The room was quiet for a moment before William finally spoke "Do you want to talk about it?"

He almost grimaced as John flinched, violently shaking his head no. The teens fingers twitched where they were clawed into the sheets, white knuckled and shaking. 

With careful, practiced movements, the man slowly guided John towards him, the teens head resting against his chest while his arms encircled protectively around him.

It took a moment before John reciprocated, wrapping his arms tightly around the man and burying his face into the collar of his shirt.

William slowly soothed him as he felt his son tremble, the teens fingers forming a vice grip on the back of his shirt in favor of his blanket.

"It's ok're was just a nightmare."

The teen said nothing but William could feel his shirt grow wet as John's shoulders shook.

He ran a hand through John's hair as he continued to cry. "It's ok...I'm here."

At this, John held on tighter.

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