Chapter 2

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I woke up to my mom shaking me telling me we have landed and I have to get up and get in the car.

When we arrived at the new house it was HUGE it was like a castle! I was excited to see my room and the inside of our house. The moving truck had already arrived and were now loading our stuff into our home.

I looked next door and notice two boys outside throwing a football around. I guess I'll introduce myself since I have no friends here and they are the first kids I see I guess. Plus it's pretty much what your suppose to do you know the whole "friendly neighbor" deal.

I walked across the lawn until I was close enough to tell that the younger one was hayes Grier and the other was Nash. Now usually I would freak out but they aren't Taylor Caniff and I'm not to impressed of Hayes really. He's super cute but i always thought he was kinda cocky.

"Hi, uhh I'm Lindsey... I'm your new neighbor. I just moved here from California."
"Hey! I'm Nash and this is my little brother Hayes. He's a wittle ole baby." They were funny that's the truth.

"SHUT UP! Haha yeah I'm Hayes. Nice to meet you Lindsey. long travel ha. Well you'll love North Carolina and if you need anything give us a knock or here..."

He took my phone and typed in his number.

*9:33pm that night*

I finished my night routine of cleaning my face and preparing for bed. I wrote a letter to my dad even though I knew he would never read it. See, my dad went "missing" 1 year ago. Mom told me he went missing but I later found out he walked out on me and my mom.

Dear dad, June 1, 2015

Hey so our new house in North Carolina is real nice! The neighbors seem super but fake you know? Lol they brought us all kinds of food and all were super smiley and said things like "Welcome to graystone subdivision hope you enjoy" and "You'll love North Carolina, we all do!" I met some guys next door! They seem chill but i don't care about boys right now...I have more important focuses like sports and skateboarding! See you soon dad! I love you and miss you!
Yours truly, PAL

Dad always called me pal and we always looked out for each other. He was the only person I could talk sports to or skateboarding to but I have no one now really. I decided to send Hayes a message. I notice he made his contact "Hayes😉"

Lindsey- Hey, "Hayes😉"... So I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna hang out tomorrow like as friends because your the only person I know here?

Hayes😉- sure I'd love to "Lindsey😉"
How about we have a movie day over here at my house? Nash and my sister are going out to yogurt pile and I have Netflix 😂

Lindsey- DEAL! See Ya at 11? Goodnight Hayes😊 see you tomorrow!

Hayes😉- great! Goodnight Lindsey😏 sleep tight see you tomorrow!

I turned off my light and for once I noticed just how adorable he really was. I quickly fell asleep thinking about how my first day in North Carolina was so good and I can't wait for my second.

Hey so I'm new to this but I love Hayes and love watt pad so you know😂😂 but I hope you enjoy and I will update as often as I can! make sure to comment and tell me what you think and what I can do to improve my story! Thanks so much! ENOJY!❤️ XOXO

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