Chapter 8

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"Whatcha need?" I tried not to show how upset I was. I really thought me and this girl had something and then she just wanted to stop everything for school and sports. It hurt but I just wanted to make her happy.


"Hayes Don't go please. I didn't..." I stopped myself because I realized that Emily could still be hanging around my house watching. I didn't realize however that tears were streaming down my face. "Will you come inside please?" He walked in and sat on my couch. I closed the door and sat on the couch next to him but in a ball because I was afraid. I figured now was a better time than any to tell him the truth about everything.

"Hayes I didn't want you to leave but this girl named Emily threatened me and said if she ever saw us together it wouldn't be good. Hayes she found out where I lived...she found out about my dad...she knew everything and I hadn't even met her Hayes I'm sorry I just was scared I love you..." I didn't realize what I had just said till it was already to late to take it back. He looked at me and stared right into my eyes.

"Emily is my ex girlfriend. She does this all the time, but I will get her to stop. It's okay Lindsey, it's okay. I love you too..." I was happy because he felt the same way about me that I did to him. "Wait, what does she know about your dad?" I knew I would have to tell him sooner or later and I guess it was sooner.

"A little over a year ago my dad disappeared. My mom told me that he had went missing but I later found out that he left me and my mom. I told everyone that he went missing and I even told some people that my parents were divorced and he lived in New York City. I lied so much to keep people from knowing that my dad was the man who left his family. He was a great dad...I didn't want people to know him like that." It felt good to tell someone the truth about him. When I was done I felt Hayes' arms wrap around me and cradle me.

"I'm sure he loves you very much. He sounds like a great man Lindsey and it'll be okay I promise." He kissed my cheek and looked me in the eyes and said "Lindsey I'm glad you came to North Carolina. Your better than every girl I have ever met and don't let Emily tell you any different. I have a question." By now we were sitting together, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his shoulder.

"Would you want to go with me to Magcon in Orlando?" OF COURSE I DID!!! I loved all the magcon boys and don't get me started on Taylor Caniff!

"Let me ask my mom but yeah I would love to!"
I texted my mom and she said she thought it would be fun for me and so we ordered our flight tickets and Hayes went home to pack his bags and I ran up stairs to face the problem of what to wear for a week.

After I finished it was already 10:30 and I was exhausted so I laid down with all my bags ready knowing I was leaving in the morning for beautiful Orlando. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard something outside my window. My rooms on the second floor which meant what ever it was, it was on the roof. I got scared and I ran and grabbed a bat and quickly pulled back the curtain to see the one and only Hayes Grier on my roof outside my window.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HAYES YOU COULD GET HURT!" I yelled/whispered and then started laughing because I've never had a guy climb on my roof at 10:30 at night.

"Help me in I'm terrified of heights hurry!" We both were laughing as he fell into my room through my window.
"Uh Hayes you know we do have a door." We sat on my bed and all I could think about was what did he want and why couldn't he have just texted me.
"Hush your ruining the moment," we both laughed because he knows we don't hardly lock the patio door. "I came here to ask you if you would be my girlfriend?" He got serious and I could tell he was nervous. "Yes. I will. But why couldn't you have texted or called or waited till tomorrow?" I could tell he was less nervous and was trying to play chill now. "Well you know it's not real gentlemen like to text or call a girl and ask her out and I couldn't wait because I wanted to make it memorable and what's more memorable than climbing through a beautiful girls window and ask her out in person."

I started blushing and realized it was getting late so I snuck Hayes out the back door and told him I'd see him tomorrow. He was about to leave and I was turning away when I felt him grab my wrist, spin me around, and crash his lips against mine. Our lips were moving in sync and the kiss lasted for about a minute. When we pulled away I was blown away by cute he looked right then I could have lived in that moment for the rest of my life. He gave me a hug and kisses the top of my head. He was about 3 inches taller than me. As I was going back to sleep that night I couldn't help but smile the whole time.


As I was laying there that night I couldn't help but think about the kiss and Lindsey. How perfect it all was and how I wouldn't change a thing. I finally found a girl I was so happy with and she wasn't a nut job. She was beautiful and her smile could light up a room. I know I haven't known her for long but I get to call her mine and that's all that matters anymore. Before I knew it I was fast asleep and dreaming of tomorrow and the week to come. A whole week with Lindsey. What could be better.

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