Chapter 12

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*Hayes POV*

It was about 11 o'clock I guess when I heard the door open. I didn't bother raising up or anything I figured it was Lindsey. I was half asleep and was well on my way to dreaming about her again when I felt her crawl in bed.

"Hayes, are you awake?" She was close to me and he voice sounded weak. I didn't know whether or not to pretend to be asleep or talk to her.

I managed to whisper my response because a part of me wanted to lay here and talk to her. "Yeah, I'm awake."

She snuggles into my chest like she always does so I wrapped my arms around her with my chin resting on the top of her head. She moved back some to look me in the eyes, the moon light was shining through the crack in the curtains and shining on her face. She looked beautiful still.

I made the move and kissed her lips. It was short but sweet, if I had to let this girl go I wanted to remember this moment. She cuddled back up to me and I could feel her breath against me lightly.

She whispered the words I had wanted to hear. Just to know that she really did have feelings for me and wasn't here for fame and popularity. "I love you too." She drifted to sleep in my arms and I continued to lay there because I couldn't fall back asleep.

Around 3 in the morning she turned away from me and got up and I'm guessing she went to use the restroom. I laid there waiting for her to come back and when she crawled back in bed she seemed to not be able to go back to sleep either.

"Hayes are you awake?" We were now facing each other with about 6-9 inches between us.

"Yes, what do you need." I managed to not get any sleep between the 11-3.

"I don't want to leave yet, not without you." She laid her hand out so I laced my fingers in hers. We repositioned ourselves and she was now laying her head on my chest and I had my arm around her.

"Plus I'm afraid of planes and it helped having been you there with me." She joked and we both started laughing.

"Hayes, why would you let me leave if you didn't want me to?" I knew the answer before she had even finished asking the question, it was simple.

"I only want you to be happy Lindsey and if that means I have to let you go, if that means it hurts me, then I'll do it as long as your happy. Your all that matters." I ran my fingers through her hair and then she asked the question I was hoping I could avoid for as long as possible.

"So tell me what happened with your past girlfriends." I froze for a minute because I didn't want to have to talk about this. It hurt me more than anyone could imagine because it made me think of Kaylee. I knew I had to tell her though because she had told me about her father and everything.

"Well most of them used me for popularity or for the fame. They didn't care about me or my feelings they just wanted the fame. But there was this one girl named Kaylee and she was the only one different out of my past girlfriends. I loved her." It hurt me to think about her.

"What happened?" Of course she would ask that.

"Well, I brought Kaylee to magcon all the time with me and our relationship was pretty public but little did I know that she hated it all. She was getting so much hate and she would cry for days while I wasn't around. She bottled it all up inside and let it hurt her instead of coming to me. She told me she couldn't take it anymore and so she left...I haven't heard from her or seen her since. I didn't want you to turn out like that so I was going to let you go even if it hurt me. I care about you more than anyone ever." It felt good to finally tell someone but it was hurting so bad at the same time.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I won't leave you Hayes. It must be hard to have to do that. To let someone go just to make them happy. Thank you Hayes." It was now about 4:30 and we had magcon tomorrow at 3. Lindsey and I finally drifted to sleep between 4:30-5 and I wasn't worried about magcon or oversleeping or what my fans had to say about the relationship. All i cared about right then was Lindsey and how she said she wouldn't leave me. I won't have to say goodbye to her tomorrow. I won't have to let her leave to keep her happy because she said she was happy right here. I was thankful for Lindsey Grace Smith and I was thankful for the fact that I could hold her in my Arms and call her mine...

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