Chapter 9

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Once we were on the plane heading to Orlando I got out my phone and got on Twitter. "Hayes get in this picture." He leaned over and kissed my cheek and I did a laughing pose. I posted it on Twitter and then the mentions started rolling in.

"@LindseySmith you are so ugly you don't deserve someone like Hayes!"

"@LindseySmith why don't you just drop dead and leave Hayes alone!"

"@LindseySmith I warned you to stay away."

These were just some of them and there were some even worse. All I could do was cry. I didn't want Hayes finding out so I turned away and tried to sleep the rest of the flight. It didn't work though.

"Lindsey are you alright? Is something wrong?" He started holding my hand and his voice helped calm me down.

"Yeah I'm fine...I just...I'm...afraid of heights that's all." I didn't want him to know about this because I didn't want him to worry or get involved.
"Oh it'll be fine. I was at first to but you get used to it." He pulled me in close and started to run his fingers through my hair, which is THE BEST, and hugged me. I felt safe and he made me feel better all in all.

When we landed we checked into our hotel. We were staying at the Disney world resort but the meet and greet building was just around there. We had the first day off and started meet and greets tomorrow. So we had a whole day to have fun here. Hayes and I were sharing a room which I was okay with.

We set our things down and raced to see who could get down stairs first. Hayes and I decided to ride some rides in Disney World and then he said he wanted to show me something.

After we rode rides for what seemed like forever, we grabbed some food on our way to the "surprise" he wanted to show me. We arrived at a beautiful park but no one was around.

"See that big tree over there? How good are you at climbing trees?" I looked over to where he was pointing and saw a huge tree. It must have been the biggest tree in the park. "I'm pretty decent how bout yourself?" I gave him a little nudge with my elbow while laughing. "I'm a pro when it comes to this tree. We come here a lot and I always climb in this tree."

We started climbing and he said he would go 2nd incase i fall. When I got up there I saw all these carvings and then I realized how beautiful the whole park looked from up here. It was getting late so the sun was setting and it was all just perfect. He climbed up and sat next to me and started carving something in the tree so I did too. I looked over to see he was carving my name so I carved his but in a pretty font.

"Hayes it's beautiful up here. Thanks for bring me. I've had so much fun today." I was a little upset because tomorrow was the first day of magcon and all the girls would be all over him and they hate me so I don't think I'll go. "Me too, and it looks even better here since your up here." I blushed because that was so sweet of him to say that.

We were looking into each other's eyes and before I knew it his lips were on mine. I felt his hand at my side and mine around his neck. When it was over he pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me so i did the same. He whispered in my ear "God Lindsey, your absolutely perfect." The butterflies in my stomach resurfaced and I didn't want to let go but we pulled away and climbed down.

It was dark now and we were both tired so we were gonna head back to the room to get some sleep.
"Hey you look tired. Let me give You a piggy back ride." I was really tired. Actually I was more tired than usual and I wasn't about to say no. I hopped on his back and rested my head.

When I woke up Hayes was laying me on the bed.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, here go back to sleep and if you need anything I'm one bed over." I wanted him to lay down with me. I wanted to feel safe and loved while I was falling asleep in his arms.
"Hayes wait...will you lay with me instead."

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