Chapter 16

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It was a Saturday morning and I was up and dressed by 9am because I was going over to my new friends house, Shannon. I wore black high waisted shorts and a white crop top with a sun on it. I grabbed my white converse and put them on and raced down the stairs. I started eating my normal breakfast, fruity pebbles, and put my dish away when I finished. I was about to walk out the door to go ride around on my skateboard until 1pm because that's when I was going over to Shannon's.

"Hey Lindsey wait a minute!" My mom stopped me before I could even get one foot out the door. "Could you run this next door to Mrs. Grier? It's her lasagna dish, she let me borrow it the other night." I was kinda excited but partly nervous to go over there. I missed Hayes so much but I was afraid that he may have lost feelings for me after two weeks. We use to text but about 6 days ago we quite talking all together.

I knocked on the door nervously and had butterflies in my stomach. I was hoping Hayes would answer but I figured he was busy, he may not even be home. I heard someone coming and I heard their voice. It was Hayes. I began to feel extremely happy to know that I would get to see him but when he opened to door my heart stopped. Emily. Why was she here?

"Uh Hi Lindsey...haven't seen you in a little while." He gave me a friendly smile but I could tell it wasn't real.

"Um Hey, yeah I know...I just... I came by to bring your mom her dish, my mom borrowed it." I gave him a slight smile and stood there waiting for him to take his mom dish so I could just leave.

"Oh my bad, Lindsey you remember Emily? She's my girl friend now. Emily this is Lindsey." HIS GIRLFRIEND?!?! Why would he date her? He knew she threatened me once. If he knew she was the reason we broke up I bet he wouldn't like her anymore! I was so hurt I just stood there with a blank look on my face.

"Oh I'm sorry," I gave her a quick, fake smile. Gosh I hate her so much. Why would he date her? "Here I need to get going I have plans and I should go." I handed him the dish and was about to walk away when he spoke up.

"Hey Emily can I have a moment alone with Lindsey?" He stepped outside where I was and closed the door leaving Emily inside.

"Yes? Do you need something?" I was mad and I tried to show a little attitude to show him that I was mad.

"Look Lindsey I know Yall don't get along but I really like her. She's changed and anyways remember we decided to see other people and go our own ways. Don't get mad at me this is what YOU wanted." Why was he raising his voice. Fine if he wants to act that way, two people can play that game.

"NO HAYES ITS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!" I tried walking away but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"What are you talking about Linds? Your the one who dumped me!" Just as he said that I was gonna tell him everything but the door opened and revealing Emily.

"Sorry I just heard yelling and I wanted to make sure everything was okay." She gave me an evil smile and I got the hint. She wanted me to leave and leave him alone. Like always.

"Yeah everything's just fine. Sorry to ruin y'all's day. Don't mind me I'm just leaving anyways." I shook my arm making Haye lose his grip on my arm. I jumped on my board and headed for the park. I checked my phone while boarding because I was use to it by now. It was 10:30 now and I was looking at a message I had just got when I crashed into someone else, also on a board.

I was throw to the ground and hit pretty hard. My knee was bleeding when I raised up I felt a horrible pain in my head and felt like I was going to black out.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I was looking down at my phone I never saw you here let me help you!" I looked up to see an extremely hot boy extending a hand out to help me up. He had brown floppy hair and brown eyes and he was wearing a Davidson Day baseball shirt with khakis.

I got up and stumbled because the dizziness in my head. I was now about 3 inches from his face and he smelled of cologne.

"Hey, I'm Jackson..."

AUTHORS NOTE: So it wasn't a very eventful chapter but cliff hanger!! I hope you all are enjoying this book i may update again tonight but I'm not for sure!

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