Chapter 19

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"Lindsey, oh my god you've grown up so much." I was so happy to have finally seen my dad again. It had been exactly 1 year and 11 months since I had last seen him. He was wearing an old baseball cap that I got him about 2 years ago for his birthday. He wore blue jeans and faded gray t-shirt. He looked like a comforting loving dad. He was.

"Dad, I've missed you so much! This was such a long trip you didn't have to come." He had to travel from Arizona to North Carolina. When he heard about my head injury he decided he wanted to see me. I still had a slight concussion but he said it was important we meet. I have been keeping in touch with him a little more since I got his letter.

"No Lindsey, I did, it's been so long and I never should have left you but your mother and you both deserved someone better. That's what I thought at least but I realized it wasn't true. What you needed was a father. I'm so sorry pal I love you." He gave me a hug and I gave him one back. After a while we planned out our day and left the grub shack.

"Okay so first to the park and then I heard there was a big baseball game. Wanna check that out?" My dad and I were always talking about sports. He use to take me to all kinds of games.

"You know what, I would love to! I miss having someone to watch games with, especially you pal." God, I have missed my dad so much. I couldn't think of a bad thing about him. He was so nice and loving, I guess I didn't realize I missed him THIS much.

We arrived at the park and I ran to the swings. My dad pushed me and took a seat watching my swing higher and higher. I had so many questions for him and so many things planned this week. After running around the park and getting ice cream me and my dad took a seat on the bench at the top of the hill that over looked the park. I had a double scoop ice cream come with chocolate on top and super man on bottom, my dad had chocolate and vanilla. I was wondering if this is what normal dads and daughters do now. I don't really remember the things we use to do other than go to games, watch games, etc.

"So dad, whatcha been up to? How long do you plan to stay here? Are you gonna talk to mom?" I know I crammed him with questions but I felt like I deserved some answers now.
"Well, I planned on talking to your mom yes, and a week if not longer, and I haven't been up to much really actually I have been working at the school back in Arizona and I'm there new football coach, oh and also...I brought you some gifts. I figured I had a little birthdays and Christmas' to make up." We both laughed knowing that I loved that idea.

"Thanks. Not for the gifts but for coming...I really wanted to see you again." We were now heading to the local stadium to watch the baseball game. We stopped at a shop on the way and my dad bought us both a bag of peanuts and a coke. We took a seat at the game and we started to watch the game. I even caught a foul ball and they let me keep it.

Once the game was over the batter who fouled the ball I caught offered to sign it. I couldn't believe I had got to see my dad, go to a baseball game with him, AND catch a foul ball which got signed by the batter! It had been an amazing day and I was ready to go back to the Griers but I knew they would get worried if I didn't head back soon.

"So dad, I gotta get going it's already 4:30 and the I told Elizabeth I wouldn't be out after 5 so I should hurry home. They don't know...I mean I didn't tell them I was coming to meet you." I was a little ashamed of myself for keeping this a secret but I knew if my mom found out that I was going out to see my dad she may not approve after so long. I could see the house from inside the car. We were only about 4 blocks away.

"It's okay pal, I would have freaked out. Here how about I let you out here so they don't ask any questions?" Wow, he understood and wasn't embarrassed or anything. He was such a good dad, no one could have replaced him.

"Thanks again," we gave each other a huge hug and I opened the door. He kissed my head and gave me a smile. "Bye daddy, I'll see you tomorrow right?" I had everything planned out for tomorrow and every single other day of the week. "Sounds good pal! I can't wait to see what you've got planned for tomorrow! Hey, you get some good rest tonight and if you need ANYTHING call me! I'm staying with a friend not far from here so I can be here shortly. Bye love you." After saying goodbye I shut the door and skated towards Hayes' home.

"HEY IM HOME, ELIZABETH? HAYES?" I called out through the house but no one replied until I heard someone running down the stairs. More than one person though, that's when I saw...Emily. I guess she hadn't left yet from coming over to see Hayes.

"Hey Lindsey! Did you have fun seeing Shannon?" I knew I forgot something. I grabbed a water and texted Shannon and told her about the other day when I realized they were waiting for my reply.

"Oh! Yeah totally! She was worried for me at first but then we just hung out but I promised your mom I would be home before 5. Speaking of which where is she?" I didn't want to be left alone in the same house with Emily, even if Hayes was here. I sat down at the bar and the stood across the bar in front of me holding hands. Gross.

"Oh she went to the store she said she would be back soon. What's that?" He pointed towards the baseball in my hand. I forgot that I was just holding it out in plain sight and I didn't know how I was gonna explain this so I lied.
"Oh well I, um, Jackson and I went to a baseball game and he caught this and gave it to me." Speaking of Jackson I haven't heard from him. I should call him.

"Oh, well here let me go out that upstairs for you before you loose it." I gave Hayes the baseball and he took it up stairs which left Emily and I alone.
"Wow, ever notice how Jackson and your dad look SO much alike?" I was drawn back by her snide remark. How did she know about my dad? She was here with Hayes wasn't she?

"How d-do you know I-I saw my dad?" I tried my best to act normal but I just couldn't. She was stalking me and threatening me more than once. Why would she do this, I left Hayes so what do she want? Her cruel, snobby, and evil voice broke my leading thoughts.

"I'm not an armature you idiot! I know everything about you like I said so don't even try to lie because I know every truth behind every lie you will EVER tell." I was sick and tired of her ruining my life with her blackmail and her stalking me constantly. I was about to tell her off when Elizabeth walked through the door.


After supper I helped Elizabeth with the dishes and Emily and Hayes had already went back up to his room. I walked up stairs and was about to go into Hayes' room, which was partly mine for two more days when I walked in on Hayes and Emily kissing. I was shocked at first and then brushed it off and acted like I didn't care. Hayes stood up and looked me in the eyes. His piercing blue eyes deepening into mine.

"Lindsey-" I cut him off before he could say anything because I didn't want to hear anything about him or Lindsey.

"No, excuse me. I'm sorry I just came into to grab some money out of my bag. I'm heading out I'll see you later." I grabbed $30 out of my bag and fix my make up and brushed my hair.
"Where are you headed and why are you getting so fixed up." Hayes chuckled at his own joke and Emily gave me and evil glare.

"I'm going out on a date to the movies...with Jackson."

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