Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning to find out I was all alone. I looked around the room for Hayes when I noticed a note on my whiteboard...

"Sorry. I forgot I had football practice and had to leave. I'll be back around 12"

It was already 11:30 and I realized I looked awful so I had 30 minutes to get up and get ready to look presentable to Hayes. I showered and blow dried my hair. When I was done straightening my hair I went ahead and did my make up and perfume. I decided on wearing high waisted black shorts with a crop top that said "chill" and my black converse.

I ran down stairs and got some fruity pebbles, like always, and then went and brushed my teeth. When I came back down stairs I plopped down onto the couch and turned on my favorite tv show. Grey's anatomy. It's the best and Dr. McDreamy could save my life ANY DAY! I was just about to start season 7 on Netflix when my door bell rang.

I ran up to it thinking it was Hayes but instead it was someone else. Someone I recognized and honestly didn't want to see. The girl from the skate park. How did she even find my house? Who is she?

"Um hello...may I help you?" I tried to act normal and polite. I honestly didn't want to make an enemy or start anything on my first few weeks of being in North Carolina. "Yeah you can actual. STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM HAYES! I mean it and if I ever catch you two together again, it won't be good for you." She was furious and I didn't even know her but I sure knew I didn't wanna make her even more mad.

"How did you find my house?" I was a little creeped out by the fact that she found my house this easily.
"I know everything about my enemies Lindsey Grace Smith. Everything."
Wow major stalker vibe much?
"Who are you?!" I was started to get mad and I knew it was almost 12 which meant Hayes would be here any minute.
"My names Emily and that's all you need to know. See you next Monday."
Oh great... She goes to school with me too? Can it get any worse.

"Tell your daddy I said he made the right choice walking out on yall." She turned away and left. I was speechless because not only did she know where I lived but she knew about my dad. No one knows about my dad. I didn't plan on telling anyone here.

I slammed the door shut and felt a fresh batch of tears surface to my eyes. I ran to the couch and sat down but Hayes walked through the door right when I did. I didn't want to know what else this girl knew about me or what she might do so I knew I needed to leave Hayes alone and just make new friends. Ones who won't have crazy people that threaten their friends.

"Hey Linds, what's wrong?" He set down his bag and was wearing only gym shorts. He looked so good and I wish we could just hang but I gotta snap out of it and tell him I can't hang out with him anymore.

"Umm yeah. Look Hayes your cool and all but I don't think we should hang out anymore. Schools about to start and I need some girl friends and to focus on academics and sports sorry. See you around." It hurt me so much to say that because I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay here and for us to watch movies on Netflix and go boarding and just have fun. He looked hurt and a little angry but I knew I had to do this.

"Yeah sure, whatever you want. See you around I guess." He looked and me and faked one of those half smiles and left. I was so upset and I wanted to go after him and tell him the truth. I can't though, Emily would find out and she would ruin me. I don't care though. Ever since I came here all I cared about was Hayes. He's all I spent my time on lately and he made me happy. No way was I gonna let some idiotic girl I don't even know ruin that. I jumped and bolted out the front door. "HAYES WAIT!" He was still standing there in my front yard and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Whatcha need?" His voice was soft and soothing and calmed me down and made me realize that I didn't want to be just this boys friend.

North Carolina (HAYES GRIER fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora