Chapter 18

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We got Lindsey settled in my room and made me a pallet on the floor with some sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows. I would be sleeping in my bed but my mom wanted to redo the guest room so Lindsey wasn't able to sleep in there. We would put her in Sky's room but mom thought she wouldn't like that so my room was the only other option.
It was already so late because it took forever to leave the hospital and tomorrow was Sunday so that meant we had church so I needed to go to sleep soon. It was 11:49pm and I had just turned out the lights when my phone started ringing.

I saw it was Emily and answered it hoping to hurry the conversation because I was super tired.
"Hey Em, whatcha need?" I didn't realize that it came out a little rude.

"Hey babe! Remember I told you I would call you tonight so we could talk?"
Shoot I totally forgot and I really didn't want to talk to her right now, especially since Lindsey is here. I don't really know why I stay with Emily because she's extremely bossy but I don't know we just look good together I guess.

"Oh yeah sorry I totally forgot but my mom is practically screaming for me to go to sleep because I have church in the morning. See Ya later bye love you." I hung up before she could beg me to stay on the phone any longer. It grew silent and I was almost asleep until she broke the silence...

"Wow, your mom must be the size of an ant because I hear no screaming." She started to giggle at her own joke. I guess it was worth staying up a little longer if I got to talk to Lindsey.
It's been a while since I have had an actual conversation with her just as friends.

"Oh yeah totally, but we let her think she's like the size of a bear so she doesn't start to bite our toes." We both started laughing at that one. It was so late that we had started laughing at everything we said until finally we couldn't even think straight we were so tired.

"Goodnight Lindsey, sleep tight. If you need anything I'm right here." I raised my hand trying to remind her where I was even though she knew.

"Hayes," she paused as if she were waiting for my permission on something.

"Yes Lindsey?" I was exhausted but it sounded like she needed something already so I struggled to stay awake so I could hear what she needed to say.

"Would you mind...I mean...would you sleep up here, with me? I mean if it's not weird or anything, it's just that it's kinda cold and I'm not use to this house and-" I cut her off because she was rambling on and on looking for things to say and also because I wanted to sleep up there in my bed...with her. I miss holding her while she slept in my arms.

"Sure make some room." I grabbed my blanket up off the floor with a pillow and crawled in next to her. I was so tired and I just wanted to go to sleep but I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in close to my chest. Surprisingly she threw her arm across me and cuddled into my chest. Now this felt right.


I woke up to an empty bed. I looked down and it was 11:54am. There was a note saying that they had went to church but didn't want to wake me because they thought I need some sleep due to the head injury.

I showered, did my make up, straighten my hair, and got dressed. I put on black jeans with some small rips and gray and pink long flannel. I slipped on my white converse and sat back down on Hayes' bed and scrolled through social medias.

I heard the door downstairs open so I stood up but I didn't go any where I just stood there. I heard someone racing up the stairs so I figured it was one of the boys. The door opened revealing Hayes in a nice button up with some blue jeans. He looked really nice in his church outfit. He looked a little surprised to see me.

"Uh hey, you are already up. You look nice." He seemed a little nervous but when he told me I looked nice I started to blush a little.

"Oh yeah, well I just wanted to get ready you know. I didn't want to waste the day being lazy so I got ready while Yall were gone." I grabbed my phone and started towards the door.

"Oh hey wait where are you going? I didn't know you had plans." I was trying to avoid having to answer his questions because I didn't want anyone to know. I was so nervous.

"Umm, you know, I was just gonna go out for a bit. I was gonna go see Shannon for a few minutes and update her and Ya know, just go out. I'll be back soon though. I've already checked it over with your mom, she said it was fine." It wasn't a complete lie, I had checked with his mom and I was going out.

"Oh okay, cool well have fun I'll see you later. I was gonna have Emily come over for a little while anyways so this is good. Now it won't be awkward you know?" I thought things changed after last night, I thought he didn't care about Emily anymore.

"Oh... Okay. Bye." I grabbed my skateboard and headed out. It took about 15 minutes to get to the grub shack. The grub shack was the local burger hang out here.

When I went inside I sat down at a booth and the waitress asked if I wanted anything. I ordered a milkshake, burger, and a small fry. I waited for about 10 minutes and was getting tired of sitting here but just as I was about to call him, he sat down at my booth.

I felt tears roll down my face. They were tears of joy of course.


North Carolina (HAYES GRIER fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora