Chapter 26

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"Can I just start out by saying I'm sorry. No you know what I'm gonna say it all because if your only giving me 5 may be my last 5 minutes to tell you everything. You may never want to talk to me again. So here it is...
Lindsey there is nothing in the world that I want more than for to work out but everything seems to get in the way. Lindsey I don't think I've ever cared about a girl as much as I care about you. If you never want to talk to me again or we don't speak anymore I need you to know that no one ever will compare to you. I will never forget you and I will always love you because your my world." Im hurting so bad because he says all these sweet things but I know I can't just forgive him because he's sweet. There was a long pause before he spoke again.
"I met Kaylee at school. She seemed cool and all and we got partnered up for a history project. I thought it would be a good time to become friends and when you came back maybe we could all hang out. Everything was fine until she practically threw herself at me. I tried to let her down gently but she just doesn't leave me alone...I understand if you don't believe me because I'm not sure I would believe myself if I were you but I'm not lying. Everything I told you earlier in frozen was true. I'll never stop caring and loving you..." I didn't know what to believe. I felt as if I were lost in a sea of confused thoughts while trying to pick out what's real and what's not.

"I...I don't know Hayes. I forgive you I guess. But maybe us getting back together isn't a good idea since I'm still living in I said early long distance relationships never work out." I wanted to be back in North Carolina and to be with Hayes. I wanted to have another movie night like we did before. I wanted to be Lindsey and Hayes again. I wanted us but I didn't know if I could have that anymore.

"Lindsey...if you want to go out again I'll make it work I promise. I don't want to have to let you go but I'll do it if that's what you want."


I stood up because it was getting late and we needed to leave. I was waiting for her response.

"Hayes..." She began to stand up but stumbled and slipped and fell into the lake. She could drown and I was worried!

"LINDSEY!" I jumped in the water and soon found her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled us up breaking into the surface.

"Oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" I swam until I could touch the lake floor and then pulled her into a hug. The water was cold but not freezing and it was start but the water of the lake was quietly moving. There was no noise except for the breaths escaping us.

I felt her laugh against me. I was relieved to know that she was okay.
I didn't know why she was laughing though so I pulled back and looked her in the eyes.
"Why are you laughing?" I still had my arms wrapped around her back as she did mine.

"I'm fine Hayes but I'm laughing because you apologized and yet you did nothing wrong." I didn't realize it but I had apologized and I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Oh yeah sorry...dang it! I apologized again. Anyways you never finished what you were saying before you fell in." She out her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my torso. I was never out because what if she didn't want an US anymore. She looked me in the eyes and said, "Hayes...I want you. I want an us and I don't ever want it to change again. I love you...but you can't keep hurting me like this." I crashed my lips into hers and she kissed back. I loved her so much. When we pulled away I pulled her in for a hug. We were still in the same position as before and I whispered in her ear while hugging her tight, "never in a million years will I EVER hurt you again. Your to good and you don't deserve it. I love you Lindsey." I didn't want to let go of her because I wanted to be as close to her as I could get.


We sat there hugging in the cold lake for what felt like forever but had only really been a few minutes.

"Hey Lindsey...lets get you home and out of this water. I don't want you to get sick." I thought it was sweet that he cared about me.

He carried me out of the water and set me down. We began to walk back to my house with our fingers intertwined and I was so happy that everything was okay. I was extremely cold though because even though it was May it was cold outside because it was night and I was SOAKING wet.

When we arrived at my house my mom was freaking out because I was all wet. I explained what happened and then she got me and Hayes both a towel. We went upstairs and I got in the shower first and washed up. I got out and put on leggins and a long tshirt with the number 7 on it. Hayes went to the bathroom to get in the shower and so I plopped down on my bed and turned on the tv and waited for him to return. A few minutes had passed and then I heard a large bang from outside. Thunderstorm. Great. I'm usually not afraid of storms but this one was awful. I crawled under the covers and tried to pay attention to the tv and ignore the storm. Hayes walked out from the bathroom in sweatpants and no shirt. He looked so hot and I tried to pay much attention but it was hard.
My mom opened my door and peeked her head in.

"Hi Hun! The Griers are staying the night okay? You and Hayes will sleep in here since there's not a whole lot of room, Nash is sleeping downstairs on the couch, their parents are sleeping in the guest room with Skylynn. Goodnight! Yall go to sleep it's late!!" She closed my door and turned out my light. The only thing providing light to see was the tv and small flashes of light from the lightening.

"I'll sleep in the floor. Can I have a pillow and a blanket." I looked over and saw Hayes, still no shirt, standing by my bed.

"No," I joked, " you may not...because your not sleeping on the floor. You can sleep up her it's fine honestly I don't want you sleeping on the hardwood floor!" I had a large bed so it's not like we were smushed so I scooted over close to the wall leaving him LOTS of space. He climbed under the covers and I flicked off the tv and we laid there facing each other. I was extremely sleepy and was on the verge of being asleep when Hayes' soft quiet voice cut through the silence.

"Hey...I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. I don't know why I hurt you so much, it doesn't really make sense. I hurt you all the time but I love you so much. And you always forgive me." I could kinda see his face from the moon light trickling through my window.

"Hayes, it's okay really. I know you didn't mean to and I always forgive you because I don't k ow what I would do without you. I'm a total brat sometimes but yet you forgive me..." I felt his hand connect with mine and he laced his fingers with mine.

"Don't say that. Your not a brat. Your perfect in every way possible and I don't know where I would be without you either. Your have become my everything. I can't lose you. I can't lose you to someone else because...your...your mine." I smiled because he called me his. It felt nice to know he cared about me.

"And your mine Hayes." I gently pecked his lips and then hugged him.

"Goodnight Hayes. I love you." I felt him pull me closer to his body until I was right up against him cuddling into his upper chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I put my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. He rested his chin upon my head and then softly said, "your all I have ever wanted...Goodnight beautiful I love you so much." That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep in his warm muscular arms.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey! So I posted an update twice today! Yay! Anyways I was thinking of bringing this book to an end and then making a sequel because I fell like I keep dragging it all out but let me know if I should!😅 THANKS SO MUCH FOR OVER 900 READS! THATS INSANE I LOVE YOU GUYS!❤️😘

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