Chapter 23

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I rolled over and slapped my alarm clock so I could lay here for five more minutes before someone came in to wake me. I dread today because in a few short hours I'll be on another stupid plane across the country to Arizona. Yesterday was fun and Hayes really went all out, we started off by skate boarding at our favorite spot, next we got ice cream and sat by the lake, saw a movie, and to finish the day off we had a picnic under the stars in my favorite spot. Of course it was great but it still doesn't fix today. Just as I was about to fall asleep lost in my thoughts I heard my mother scream for me to get up and get dressed and ready.

I pulled myself up from my comfortable bed and trudged to my closet. I picked out some dark washed denim high waisted shorts with a white crop top that showed a small sliver of skin and said "F A B" in bold black letters. I washed up and pulled on my outfit. After I had dried my hair I looked in my mirror to inspect my progress of getting ready. I still looked rough in the face because I hadn't completely finished doing my hair and I hadn't started my makeup. Once I had completed my makeup and fixed my hair, I put on my white high top conversed and headed towards my bedroom door. I stopped immediately and was froze when I turned around to see that nothing was in my room. Nothing at all except for my bed and the alarm clock. I guess they took everything to the moving truck already but I mean we only going for a week do we really have to take everything. It hurt to see my room so empty and bare. I rushed downstairs to see my mom and dad rushing things out of the house.

"Morning sweetie! We gotta get going soon so we will have to pick up some fast food for breakfast now hurry up and go say your goodbyes! There's no time to waste!!" Everything was going so fast and when I looked at the clock it read 11:45. I had already said goodbye to my friends yesterday but I saved the most painful goodbye for today.

I knocked nervously and stepped back waiting for the door to be opened. I begin to think about Arizona and the move. I'll have lots of makeup work so I hope my mom got that already. What if I hate it there? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of running feet. I stood up straight and prepared myself. The door opened revealing the most perfect face and the most perfect body. He stepped outside wearing no shoes, gym shorts, and a t-shirt. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes then faked a smile. This is going to kill me but I'll get to see him in a week so it's okay right?

"You I'm gonna miss you Lindsey. I don't want either of us to be upset though. Just think of it as a vacation okay? You'll be back in a week and we can hang out all day when you get back I promise okay?" He wrapped me in one of his perfect hugs and we stayed there for what felt like years talking.

"Who am I gonna call to come sleep over when I'm scared or upset or just need someone? And who's gonna lend me there sweatshirt if I get cold?" We both chuckled and I was honestly going to miss him so much. He released me from his hug and looked in my eyes.

"I'll be right back stay right here." He raced inside and I waited patiently on his door step. I could tell they were almost done loading our stuff Into the moving truck. I turned my attention back to the door to see Hayes emerge from it.

"Here, here's a sweatshirt so that no one else, no other guy, will have to lend you one and that way when your cold you have my favorite sweatshirt on you to remind you of me till you get back and here is your favorite shirt of mine that you always wear so you won't miss it when your gone. I got you all covered." This did help honestly, it was his Davidson Day grey sweatshirt which was his favorite and mine too. The shirt was a dark gray shirt with the #7 on it and on the back it said "GRIER" in white. It was my favorite shirt of his and every time I fell asleep over at his house he always let me wear this shirt.

"Thank you Hayes, I promise I'll give them back as soon I return!" He wrapped me up in a hug one last time and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry about it I've got more...Lindsey I love you. I'm gonna miss you this week while your gone. But we both know your mom loves North Carolina so it'll be okay. I love you babe." The butterflies in my stomach went wild and my cheeks burned pink soon turning red when I felt him kiss my cheek.

"I love you too Hayes..." Just as the words escaped my mouth his lips crashed upon mine and his arms slide around my waist. When we separated I knew I needed to get going. I pulled back and hugged the clothes in my arms. We looked into each other's eyes, his blue ocean eyes piercing into mine.

"I gotta get going...I'll call you when I land and unpack it may be a little late though." His hand brushed my arm and he gave a slight smile.

"It'll be fine I'll be up. Tomorrows Friday and moms not sending me back to school till Monday so I'll stay up until you are going to sleep. Remember to try and have fun and don't find another boyfriend in Arizona." We both chuckled and we said goodbye and I turned back to my house, walked across the lawn, and stood in front of my mom still hugging the clothes.

"Whatcha got there?" My mom pointed toward the clothes that Hayes had just given me.

"Some clothes I left at Hayes' house. What now?" I looked into the empty house sad to see it this way and turned back to my mom.

"Now we get into the car and leave Linds. We'll be back its okay." I hopped in the car and we drove away as I watched Hayes and our home fade in the distance.


I finished unpacking and sat down on my bed. Turns out my dads house was just as huge as ours! I laid back on my bed and let out a big sigh. I was exhausted and wanted to nap. When I checked the time it was 6:38pm and I remembered I had to call Hayes. I was so excited to be able to tell him about my new house for the week. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey goofball how was the flight?" He sounded a little tired but it was only like 8:30 ish there so he couldn't have been sleeping.

"Ehh it was fine but I'm exhausted after unpacking everything!"

"What all have you done yet?"

"Unpacked...sat on my bed....called you."

"Your kidding right? Hang up and go do something and call me back before you go to bed!" We both chuckled and hung up. What should I do first?

I raced down the stairs and out the door to go have a look around town. I stopped outside a fairly large frozen yogurt shop to see a girl inside cleaning. She looked about my age but she was alone in there. I decided to step inside and hopefully make my first friend.

"Hey! Welcome to frozen mountain! Can I get you anything? I'm Sarah and if you need anything let me know!" We were the only ones inside the shop and she seemed very sweet. He hair was medium length and dark brown. She had tan skin and brown eyes. I walked to the counter and grabbed a cup.

"Hi I'm Lindsey, I just got as in Arizona. I don't really know anyone here do you think you could kinda let me in on the hangouts or the food places to shop?" We both giggled and I got some cotton candy frozen yogurt and paid with some I grabbed on my way out the door.

"Totally! And that's not true, you know me and that's one friend more than you had before you walked in that door. Here let's exchange numbers and when I get off in a 10 minutes we can go walk around town and I can show you around!" I was surprised that she already had a job at this age! I was also thrilled that I had made a friend.

"You work here? How old are you?"

"Oh not really, I'm 14 but I kinda volunteer here but the owner has to leave everyday now an hour before we close so I close up the shop. Would you wanna volunteer here too? It's actually a lot of fun! Everyone from school comes here and you get discounts!" I was thrilled because It seemed like a lot of fun.

"Can I?" I really was happy that I stopped by this frozen yogurt shop because I had already made a friend and sorta got a job!

"Of course!"

After she closed up we walked around town and she showed me all the cool places around here and some fun hangout spots. When I got home I talked with Hayes on the phone for over an hour before we both fell asleep while still on the phone. Maybe Arizona won't be that bad. Maybe this week won't be so bad either.

North Carolina (HAYES GRIER fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ