Chapter 27

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(AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks so much for over 1k reads like omg!!❤️ sorry it's been a while since I have updated enjoy!)


**1 week later**

It feels amazing to be back home in North Carolina. My mom finally decided it was time to come home. I know this is where I belong because everything finally feels right. I have my family, my new friends, and I'm next to Hayes. I finally got unpacked and sat down on my bed. My mom felt bed for making me stay in Arizona so long so she let me redo my room. It was super pretty now. It's summer now so thank gosh! I can't stand school. I headed downstairs and told my mom I was going out to the park.

"Bye sweetie! Be back in time for dinner at 6! Have fun and check in with me!" I said bye and then grabbed my new penny board and headed to the park. It was really hot today so I wore light washed high waisted shorts and a loose faded red jersey shirt tucked in and my white converse and my hair was in a loose curly pony tail. I arrived at the park and sat down on the bench and enjoyed watching people run around. I was so glad to be home. I was listening to the noises of the ice cream truck pass by and the children running for it, the sounds of laughter, the sounds of the park and the birds but it was interrupted by a text message.

*Text message convo*

From: Hayes😻👫

Hey, where are you? I stopped by your house and you weren't there.

To: Hayes😻👫

Oh yeah, I'm at the park! Whatcha need?

From: Hayes😻👫

Oh nothing I just wanted to talk. Can I come to the park and we talk for a little while?

To: Hayes😻👫 everything okay?

From: Hayes😻👫

It will be.

*end of convo*

That's odd, he wants to talk. Well that's never good. I sat there waiting wondering what it could be that he wants. He's probably going to break up with me. That's what 'can we talk' usually means. I was about to get up and leave because I knew if that's what this was about it would be to hard but as I was grabbing my penny board I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, your not ditching me already are you?" I turned around to face the calm voice of Hayes. He looked upset and yet still so perfect. I realize I was just staring so I tried to push words out of my mouth.

"Oh umm I guess that's what It looks like huh? No, I was just gonna walk and stretch while I was waiting for you." I sat down and faced the park as did he. He placed his hand on my knee and chuckled.

"You do know your an awful liar. Plus it's nothing really bad or anything I just wanted to tell you some stuff." A weight was lifted off my shoulders now because I figured it would all be okay.

"Okay then tell me." We both chuckled a little because I was an awful liar. He patted my knee then turned towards me. I looked into his ocean blue eyes and he looked into mine. He grew serious and I could tell he had something important to tell me.

"Lindsey, I'm going on a world tour...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I just couldn't and I'll be gone for like 6 months and I didn't want to tell you because I don't want to leave you..." I was shocked and didn't k ow what to feel. We just got back in the same state next to each other in the same city and in a few weeks we most likely won't even be in the same continent. I tried to be happy for him but it was hard.

"Hayes...I-that's a big deal...chances like these only come around once in a life time."
I tried to seem happy for him because I most certainly didn't want to hurt him.

"I know, but people like...well...people like you only come around once in a life time." I reached for his hand and intertwined our fingers. This boy really knows how to make someone feel special.

"Hayes...go. I'll be here when you get back." I almost broke while saying it but what was I suppose to say. He loves his fans and he loves traveling. I couldn't live with knowing I was the reason he didn't go on the world tour. Even if it hurt me they always say 'put others before yourself' and that's what I was going to do. I was about to fight one of my hardest battles. I held back the tears and kept them inside because if he saw me cry I knew he wouldn't go.

"Are you sure Lindsey? If you don't want me to go...I won't. You come first." I put on a fake smile and let out my best fake giggle.

"Of course silly. World tours are insane or so I have heard. No way your gonna miss it! I'm positive go!" He gave me a hug then it grew quiet except for the noise of the park.

"When do you leave?" I needed to prepare myself. I don't want to know honestly I'd rather him just go and let me find out on my own.
I began to think of all the old times that Hayes and I shared. I was interrupted by his voice and the words I didn't want to hear.

"In two days..." It hurt knowing that's all we had left. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his around me. I just wanted to stay here in this moment so neither of us would have to leave.

*2 days later*

I saw him out there putting suit cases in his car. It was 1:14pm and a Saturday. The birds chirped through the hot summer day. I had been sitting there for a good 30 minutes watching Hayes come outside to put things in the car and then return into his home. I looked down to see him looking up at my window so I turned away.


I checked my phone to see a message from Hayes.

Hayes😻👫- come down here.

Hayes😻👫- okay, be down in a second. Sorry I wasn't spying or anything just heard noises outside and was seeing what was going on.

Hayes😻👫- Liar...😂 love you. Now come say goodbye to me...

'Say goodbye to me' it hurt already.
I walked downstairs and opened the front door. I saw him looking at me with his perfect blue eyes and his perfect...well perfect everything. I crossed the lawn until I reached him.

"My family's already in the car...they are waiting on me but I told them I wasn't going until I said goodbye to you." I felt a small tear run. He lifted his thumb to my eye and wiped away my tears before pulling me into a hug.

"I love you Hayes..."

"I love you too Lindsey..."

We said our goodbyes and he gave me a small but memorable kiss. I stood there in his yard while he got in the car, rolled the window down, waved and I waved my goodbye to Hayes. I watched as his car pulled off the street and I couldn't see any piece of him any longer.

"See you in 6 months Hayes, I love you..." I whispered to myself.
I walked into my house and up to my room. Small tears running down my face still I sat on my bed and watched tv as hours passed. It was closed to 9 and I was really tired and ready to go to sleep. I changed my clothes and sat back down. I had one unread message...

Hayes😻👫- go sit at the window. The one that faces my room. Remember I'll always love you. Talk to you later. Gotta get some rest. So do you.

I walked to the window and sat down. I looked across to Hayes' window and saw a video picture frame. There was ALL the pictures Hayes and I had ever taken. Next to it was a note tapes to the window that read "Look to my window whenever you want to see us. I love you."

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