Chapter 5

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She was about my age I think and had shoulder length blonde hair. She obviously didn't come here to be friends and she looked to be really mad. I didn't want to start anything so I just brushed it off and walked away back to Hayes.

"Hey Hayes, can we leave its getting late and my mom gets home at 5." It was 4:47 and I didn't really want to go home but I didn't want to be around that girl much longer.

"Uh yeah sure is everything okay?" I think he knew I was a little worried about something so I tried to just act fine and causal. "Yeah, it's just I don't want my mom to worry." I smiled slightly and so he tried to play everything off cool and as we walked away he laced his fingers in mine.

"Is this okay?" He smiled and kinda laughed. I could tell he was shy at all.
"Yeah it's cool." We walked like this until we got to our houses and we let go.

"You know Lindsey, you pretty cool."
We start school in 5 days which is going to be a problem. See at my school I'm known as a player and it's not that I jump from girl to girl it's just all the girls I date end up to be a crazy fan.

"You not to shabby yourself Mr. Grier."
We both laughed because of the way she said it. I told her goodnight and that if she was lucky I may just shoot her a text later tonight.

When I got home I changed and hopped in bed. I was just about to play some Xbox when Skylnn came barging through my door. "HAYES IS THAT YOUR NEW GIRRRRRLLLLFRIEENND?!" She used her sassy voice and started giggling. "No Sky we are just friends. Besides I barely even know her!" We both started laughing then I chased her around the house until we both got tired and sat down because she wanted to watch frozen....AGAIN!

After frozen sky made me watch some movie about horses because she LOVES horse! I was sitting there when I noticed an earring on the floor. It must've been Lindsey's so I decided to walk it over to her house so I could get out of watching Skylnn's horse movie.


I heard a knock at the front door and I ran down stairs to answer it. "I got it mom! It's probably the neighbors with more food!" As I opened the door I saw Hayes standing there.

"Uhh, hey? Whatcha need?"
"No actually I was watching tv when I saw this on my carpet and I figured it's yours." I saw him hold up the earring to the matching one I was wearing. My dad had given them to me just before he left and I always wore them. They we silver hoops with a spiraling ball inside.
"Oh yeah! Thanks so much. These are my favs I can't loose them!" I took the earring and remembered back to the day my dad had given them to me. I started tearing up and the thought because I missed him so much.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" He looked genuinely concerned but if I told him now I would most likely start bawling again.

"Yeah sorry I just have something in my eye. Thanks again Hayes I'll see Ya later!" I smiled and he gave me a hug. I felt was warm and safe in his arms and I could have stayed in this moment forever. He can't know that I like him. Not even the slightest bit because he is the only person I know here in North Carolina and I don't wanna risk anything. We pulled away and he smiled as did I.

As I walked up to my room I felt a rush of emotions. It was already 9:30 and I was exhausted for some reason. I climbed in bed and closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep before I could think about Hayes, my dad, or my friends that I miss so much.


Hayes😉- So your not to bad at boarding AND you like Netflix...What else you wanna tell me about yourself?😂😂😂

Lindsey- Well I play volleyball and tennis and I am extremely tired.😂💤

Hayes😉- Yeah same. Night😂
(I was gonna make this longer by my text is looking different so I'm gonna stop for this chapter and fix it for the next! Thanks for over 30 reads in less than 24 hours! I'll keep updating as much as I can! I hope you all enjoy!😂)

North Carolina (HAYES GRIER fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora