Chapter 15

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I didn't really know where I was going but I planned to keep going. It was already 11:30pm and I had turned my phone on do not disturb because I knew my mom would be freaking out.
I left because everything is so screwed up and I'm just tired of being apart of it. I ended up in a park that I recognized because Hayes and I came here a lot. I decided to stay out of sight and go to the secret spot Hayes showed me a while back.

I was about mid-way into the woods of the park and I was a little scared but I knew I was almost there so I didn't stop. When I got there it looked just the same. It was a place with a bunch of huge rocks and there was a little cave type of thing that was big enough for me and Hayes to sit in comfortable when we came here before. I crawled in and sat there and decided just to see all the messages I had gotten. I had 23 from my mom, 15 from Hayes, and 7 from Nash. I checked all the ones from my mom and most of them were just things like "where are you?!" And "come home! Please are you okay?!" And even an "I love you Lindsey I'm sorry come home and talk this out!" Why would she be sorry it's not really her fault. I checked the ones from Hayes and they were just things like "are you okay?" And "where are you" and "what happened?" I was a little relieved to know he still cares enough to text me but I figured it's just since we are neighbors and our moms are friends now.

Nash's messages were pretty much the same thing and then I got another message from a blocked number.

BLOCKED- smart move. If I were you I would have left too.

I figured it was Emily just threatening to make sure I stayed gone but trust me she had no worries there. It was kinda chilly just because it was night so I sat with my knees tucked in and flipped through photos of me and Hayes. I only want Hayes right now.


It was getting so late and no one had heard from Lindsey and I was so worried. What could've happened to make her want to leave. I know we got in a fight but that's what she wanted, I never wanted to let her go but I said I would do what made her happy so i did.

After searching for her up until 1 am I realized maybe Lindsey saw the kiss between me and Emily, but she knows I don't like Emily I never would. After racking my brain looking for answers I sat down and tried to think of every place Lindsey loves. We had already went to all her favorite stores, her favorite food places, Jenna's who is her new best friend and we still couldn't find her. That's when it hit me, I knew where she had to be, it's the only other place I could imagine.

"Hey mom I'll be back soon I'm just gonna go out and see if I could find her somewhere I just thought of. I'll be careful love you." I grabbed my board and ran out the door before anyone could say anything or follow me.

It was really dark but I knew where I was going. Once I arrived at the park I put my board under a bench and headed for the woods. I was about mid way when I heard someone crying and I knew it had to be her. I climbed over the small hill to see her sitting there in our cave.


I heard someone coming and got really scared so I tried to stop crying. That's when I saw him. Hayes. Why was here and why did he come looking for me? I was slightly embarrassed to have been crying so much so I looked away from him we stayed about 6 feet apart with him still staring at me and me still looking away.


I couldn't help myself I was tired of having space between us. She wouldn't have left if she didn't care, she wouldn't be crying if she wasn't hurting. I ran to her and grabbed her and pulled her into me. I held her and she wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly too. I never let go and I never wanted to.

"Don't ever leave again Lindsey. Please don't. Lindsey, don't ever leave ME again." I was so happy I found her but so sad because seeing her this way hurt me. Why would she leave me if she didn't want to.

"Hayes, there's things you don't know. If we keep this up my life would be ruin. She can't-" I didn't want to hear this again so I did the only thing I knew to do so she wouldn't continue talking.

I crashed my lips into hers and she kissed back. We stayed like this for a good minute until she pulled away. She was still crying and I was hurting as well knowing that she was still gonna go through with breaking up with me. If that's what she really wanted I was gonna do my best to understand. She laid her head on my chest and I gave her a quick hug. I couldn't sit here letting this happen knowing she wasn't mine.

I stood up and she looked at me confused. I extended my hand to help her up.

"Come on let's get you home your family's worried sick about you." I helped her up and she looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Hayes, it's just that-" I didn't let her finish because I knew it was hard for us both.

"No it's fine, you know it's probably for the best anyways. We've been together way to much and school starts tomorrow and we both need to go our own ways." It wasn't true but I had to say it. Someone had to.

She tried to hug me but I extended my hand.

"Friends?" I asked and she looked at me with hurt but it had already been painful for both of us.

"Yeah, friends." She let a tear roll down her cheek and I walked with her back to our houses. I love you Lindsey Grace. I said it in my head so she couldn't hear and anyways we were supposed to just be friends. I was saying goodbye to our relationship because it had to end for the best.

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