Chapter 18- Party

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                                    Andy's P.O.V


I have been watching Batman all day with Dani. Well sorta with Dani she fell asleep around 2 PM. We have all been waiting to pick up Kellin from the hospital. The day has gone by so slow. It's only 6 PM and it feels like we have been sitting here forever. SWS and BOTDF have been on our bus all day too. It has been really crowded and crazy. No one knows what to do because we could get a call any minute now.

              When all of the sudden my phone started ringing. Everybody jumped up from where they were and run over to me. It was the hospital. I answered and the doctor said we could come and pick up Kellin now. Dani was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up so I just picked her up and carried her to my car.

        On the way to the hospital Dani woke up. When we got there we went inside and went up to the front desk. The lady behind the desk looked at us like we were spawns of Satan. The doctor came out with Kellin. Kellin was a little wobbly when he walked but he seemed fine other then that.

                            Dani's P.O.V


When I saw Kellin walk out I was so happy. I was glad that he wasn't going to die. I hated him being in the hospital. It sucked being away from him. But he is finally coming home. When he walked over to us I ran up and gave him a big hug. I missed him so much. While we were all talking to him Andy went over and signed all the papers so he could leave.

                 When Andy was done signing the papers we could leave. When we started walking back to the cars Kellin grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled. I smiled back and we kept walking. When we got home Kellin and I went back to his bus to hang out. Everyone else went back to their own buses. Jesse, Justin, and Gabe went somewhere else so Kellin and I could be alone. We just were sitting there just talking. 

                               A couple hours later


We were having a party tonight for Kellin. After him being in the hospital a week we decided we should throw him a party. Everyone told me to take Kellin out somewhere and keep him away from the SWS bus. They were setting up for the party.

              I decided to take Kellin to a fancy resturant. It was really busy but we got to the front since he is Kellin Quinn. After we sat down we started looking at the menu to order.Everything looked so good. Since we're both vegetarian it got rid of about half of the choices but everything just looked so good. 

                  After we finished eating I took him to watch a movie. We watched Paranormal Activity 4. It was so scary. After the movie was over it was about 10PM. Then Andy texted me and said I could bring Kellin back. I grabbed Kellin's hand and we walked back to his bus. When we got back to his bus everything was set up outside. I could see Andy hiding behind the table so everyone else must be hiding somewhere. 

"What is all this stuff?", Kellin asked.

"I don't know", I lied. We got closer to were everyone was hiding. Then all the sudden everybody jumped up and yelled surprise. Kellin jumped and grabbed my arm. They scared the crap out of him.

"Holy crap that scared me", Kellin said laughing. There was more bands here then I thought there would be. Blood On The Dance Floor, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Falling In Reverse, The Ready Set, Never Shout Never, BlessTheFall, Of Mice and Mice, and Avenged Sevenfold were there. Kellin must be so popular. Then Jordan Witzigreuter from The Ready Set came up to us. Him and Kellin are good friends.

"Welcome back", Jordan said.

"Thanks", Kellin said. They did a bro hug type thing. Then Jordan saw me.

"Well who is this?", Jordan asked.

"This is Jayy's little sister and my girlfriend Dani", Kellin said.

"Oh so you're Dani", he said."Well it's nice to finally meet you". He shook my hand then went over to talk to Andy.

 "Let's go sit down", I said to Kellin. We walked over and sat down by Andy.

                        Kellin's P.O.V


I walked over were Andy was with Dani. I can't believe all these people showed up. I mean it's not that big of a deal that I'm home. We sat down with Andy and Jordan. 

"So how are you feeling?", Andy asked.

"Fine but my head hurts a little bit so I have to take pain pills for it", I said.

"That sucks", He said.

 "Yeah", I said. Then Andy and Jordan started talking about something I didn't care about. I looked over at Dani and she looked bored too.  She turned to look at me.

"Come with me", I said. We both got up and walked inside of my bus. We sat down on the couch. 

"Is this better then being out there?", I asked.

"Yeah", she said. 

"I have an idea", I said.

 "What is it?", She asked. I just smiled at her as I pulled out my phone. I turned on the camera and held it up.

"Smile", I said smiling at her. We both smiled at the camera and I took the picture. Then I got on twitter and tweeted the picture. Then at the top i put:

@KellinQuinn- Hanging out at my welcome home party with my wonderful girlfriend @DaniMonroe :) <3 

None of my fans know about Dani and I dating. She has been wanting me to tell them but I wanted to wait until the right time. I thought now might be a good time to tell them because at the next show they will see her and wonder who she is and make up rumors. Then I heard her phone buzz from a twitter notification. I looked at her as she looked at her phone. Then she started smiling. She looked up at me smiling really big. The all of the sudden she gave me a big hug. 

"Thank you", She said.

"You're welcome", I said, "I just want what's best for you." She pulled away from the hug and just looked at me still smiling.

"I-I have something to tell you", I told her.

"What is it?", she started to look worried. Oh crap this is harder then I thought.

"I just want you to know that I-I-I love you", I said looking up at her worried. Her expression turned to a more shocked face then happy. Oh crap I'm screwed. But then she started smiling. So I took that chance and started leaning in. I kissed her. At first she was surprised but then she kissed back. It was great. Then we pulled away. She smiled at me.

"Just so you know... I love you too", She said and smiled at me. I smiled back.


Hope you liked this chapter :) I would like to thank brookieismyname for making a trailer for me story :)  I hope you all have a great Christmas :D

Chapter Song- Blackout - Breathe Carolina

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