Chapter 24- Punishment

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                           Kellin's P.O.V


Jesse and I are almost to our bus. Dani is there. I'm afraid she might kill me. We finally got to the bus. Jesse still had a tight grip on my arm. He opened the door and we walked in. Dani was sitting on the couch watching TV. She looked kind of worried. When she heard us walk in she quickly looked over to us. She looked at me happily and got up and gave me a big hug.

"Kellin where were you?", She asked. Then she looked at my face. "Oh my gosh what happened to your face?!", She asked surprised

"Uhhh..", I said. I couldn't tell her what happened I was too afraid.

"Well Kellin here decided he should start a fight with Andy", Jesse said glaring at me. Dani looked at me shocked.

"You... got in a fight with Andy?", She asked shocked. I just nodded. 

"Wh..why?", She asked.

"Because of what he did to you", I said looking down.

"Oh Kellin, You didn't have to do that", She said. Then she hugged me.

"Well he was being a douchebag to you and I didn't like that", I said hugging her back. Jesse had finally let go of my arm. There was a mark where his hand was because of the death grip he had on my arm. 

"How does Andy look? Does he look as beat up as you do?", She asked.

"Yeah", I said, "But maybe a little worse"

"Thank you Kellin", She said smiling,"But next time try not to get in a fight" She laughed. "Come on I'll help you get cleaned up" She grabbed my arm and pulling me into the bathroom. She wiped all the blood of my face. Then I took off my shirt so she could wipe my back. 

"Oh my gosh!", She said when she saw my back.

"What?", I asked.

"Your back is covered in blood and scrapes", She said.

"Yeah he kinda... slammed me on the ground and I landed on my back", I said.

"Oh Kellin", She said. She started wiping my back off. It hurt really bad. After she wiped all of the blood off she went into the kitchen. She came back with an ice pack.

"Ok this is going to hurt", She said. She put the ice pack onto my eye.

"Ow!", I yelled. It hurt so freaking bad.

"I'm so sorry", Dani said worried.

"It's fine it's not your fault it's mine", I said. After a few minutes she put the ice pack on my other eye. After she was done cleaning me up we went into the living room and sat down.

"So is anybody mad about what happened?", She asked.

"Jayy is...", I said looking down.

"What did he say?", She asked.

"He said he would deal with us after his show", I said."He said that we couldn't leave our buses." She looked at her phone.

"I think his show is over now", She said.

"Oh great.", I said. I groaned. I really did not want him to come back. After sitting there for a few minutes Jayy came to the bus. He opened the bus door and walked in. He didn't look at pissed as early but he still looked mad.

"Ok so I decided what I'm going to do", He said looking at me.

"Just tell me and get it over with", I said.

"You can't see Dani for 1 week", He said. Dani and I looked at each other surprised.

"What?! You can't do that! You aren't in charge of me! Plus she is staying on my bus how will I not see her!", I yelled. He can't do that.

"Yeah I know I'm not in charge of you but I am in charge of Dani. I could make it to where you can't see her at all. You should be glad I'm even letting her date you since you're 3 years older then her.", He said. He was right, He could not allow her to date me.

"Where will she stay then if she can't stay on my bus?", I asked.Save

"On my bus", He said.

"I thought there was no room on your bus", I said.

"She can sleep on the couch", He said. This is jank. "Your one week starts now" He grabbed Dani's arm and pulled her off the bus. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. This week is really going to suck without Dani.

                          Days later


I have a show today. Hopefully no one will notice my face. They probably will though. It was almost time for the show. All of the fans are already out there waiting. After a few minutes it was time to go on stage. I was the last one on stage.

                 Everyone screamed really loud when I ran onstage. When they saw my face the cheering got quieter. Everybody looked around confused. I just ignored it and started singing. After the concert was over it was time for the meet and greet. While we were walking back to the tent I checked Twitter on my phone. I couldn't believe the tweets I saw.

@SWS4EVER- What is wrong with Kellin's face? Did his girlfriend beat him or something?

@lexiinicole- OMG Kellin's girlfriend beat him! (Picture of Kellin's face below)

@cbbasi- What happpened to Kellin?? Did someone beat him up??

@averyalexandria- I heard Kellin's girlfriend beat him. Is that true???

Oh heck no they are no gonna start spreading rumors about Dani. When we got to the tent everyone was already in line. I was going to stop these rumors now. When everyone saw me they all screamed. I stood on a chair.

"Hey!", I yelled. Everyone looked at me. "Listen my girlfriend did not beat me. That is not how my face ended up like this. I just want to stop these rumors before they get bigger"

"Then what did happen to your face?", I heard a few people ask.

"I got in a fight", I said.

"With who?", Someone yelled.


"Please tell us", Someone yelled.

"Well uhh.. it was... Andy Biersack", I said looking at the ground. At lot of people looked around shocked and confused.

 "Why did you fight?", someone asked.

"I'm not going to get into the story let's just get onto the meet and greet", I said. We started the meet and greet. I took a lot of pictures, signed a lot of stuff, and met a lof of people. It was fun. No one asked anymore questions about the fight, Which was a good thing. I just can't wait until this week is over so I can see Dani again. It's killing me to not be able to see her.


Woah! Another update! Two days in a row! I'm on a roll xD I have just been in the mood to update. Which is a good thing that I need to do more often.  Oh yeah in this story Kellin is 20 since Dani is fifteen. Anyways hope you liked this chapter :D

Chapter Song- Liar, Liar - Never Shout Never

Jayy Von Monroe is my brother!? (BOTDF fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now