Chapter 26- Madison

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                               Dani's P.O.V


I was sitting in my bunk just laying there doing nothing. All of the sudden I heard the bus door open really fast. I heard someone run in. They were breathing like they just ran a mile. It was Kellin. He ran up to my bunk.

"Kellin what are you doing here Jayy is gonna see you!", I said worried.

"No Jayy said my punishment is over I can see you again!", He said happily.

"Yay!" I got out of my bunk and gave him a big hug. 

"I really wanna stay here and hang out with you but I have a show in a half hour.", He said, "Are you gonna come watch?"

"Of course", I said smiling.

"Ok good well I will see you at my show then", He said. He hugged me then ran out the door. I decided to just walk around until the show. It would be nice to get out of this stupid bus. I grabbed my phone and walked off the bus. I just walked around for a while talking to different people. A lot of people would stop me and talk to me. All of Kellin's fans knew about me and him dating. Then this one person gave me a dirty look and stopped me.

"You're Dani right?", She asked. 

"Yeah", I said. Then she just slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground. 

"That's what you get for beating Kellin!", she yelled at me.

"What are you talking about I never beat Kellin!", I yelled at her. "What is your problem!"

"I'm not the one with the problem here!", She yelled pushing me. I pushed her back.

"Get your facts straight because I never have even hit Kellin!", I yelled. I glanced over and saw Andy standing there talking to a fan.

"Yes you did!", she screamed at me and slapped me again. I stumbled back a little bit. I saw Andy look in our direction. He saw her slap me. He said something to the fan he was talking to then started running over. 

"Hey! What is your problem!", He yelled at the girl when he got over to us.

"She beat Kellin!", She yelled, "She is the one with the problem! She is probably just using Kellin for fame!" That kinda hurt me.

"She never beat Kellin why would you think that!", Andy yelled.

"His face is all beat up and people on Twitter said she did!", She yelled.

"That wasn't Dani that did that!", He yelled.

"Then who was it!", She yelled.

"It was uhh me", He said.

"Yeah sure", She said with a snobby tone in her voice.

"You know what I really don't care what you think", Andy said. "Just leave." She glared at us then walked off.

"Thanks Andy", I said.

"No problem. By the way I'm really sorry for what happened with Juliet and then Kellin", He said.

"It's okay I'm sorry for calling her a slut and yelling at you", I said.

"So are we friends again?", He asked. 

"Yeah", I said smiling.

"Yay", He said giving me a hug.

"Andy!", I heard an annoying high pitched voice yell. Andy turned around really quickly. I saw Juliet walking towards us looking pissed.

"What are you doing!", She yelled.

"Uhhh", He said.

"Why are you hugging her!", She yelled.

"Calm down she is just a friend", He said calmly. 

"Then why are you hugging her", She said. Andy sighed.

"Come on let's go!", She said. She grabbed Andy's hand really tightly and pulled him behind her. He turned around and mouthed 'Sorry'. I just nodded at him. I started walking again. Then all of the sudden I ran into someone. We both fell. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry", I said helping the girl up. When she stood up I froze. Then she looked at me. It was my best friend Madison. I haven't seen here since the day we snuck to the concert. All of the sudden we both screamed and gave each other a hug.

"Oh my gosh Dani!", She screamed. "Where have you been?"

"After the concert I went home with Jayy. It's a long story.", I said.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone I have tried to get ahold of you", She said.

"Oh sorry I changed my number so my dad couldn't call me", I said.

"Ohh", She said.

"Come on the SWS show is about to start and I told Kellin I would be there", I said.

"Woah woah woah", Madison said holding up her hands"Kellin Quinn?"

"Yeah", I said.

"You guys are friends?", She asked shocked.

"No we're dating", I said. Madison started fangirling.

"You're dating Kellin Quinn!", she screamed jumping up and down.

"Calm down. He's just a normal person", I said laughing. I grabbed her arm pulling her through to crowd to where SWS was performing. We got there about five minutes before the show started. We walked up to the backstage door. 

"Oh my gosh we're going backstage?", Madison asked. She is such a fangirl. 

"Yes now you can't keep fangirling just chill out", I said. I walked up to the security guard and showed him my pass. I put my hand on the handle.

"Don't freak out", I said. She nodded. I opened the door and we walked in. Kellin looked up when he heard the door open. He smiled when he saw me. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. I could hear Madison freaking out. I turned around and looked at her.

"Calm down", I said.

"Ok ok I'm calm", She said. I turned back around to Kellin.

"Kellin, this is my best friend Madison", I said.

"Hi", Kellin said smiling at her. She started freaking out.

"I think she wants a hug", I said smiling at him. He gave her a hug. She almost fainted.

"Well I have to go on stage I'll talk to you afterwards", He said. He gave me a kiss then ran on stage.

"Oh my gosh he just kissed you!", Madison screamed. 

"No really", I said sarcastically smiling at her. It's going to be a long day.


Hope you liked this chapter :) 

Chapter Song- Downfall Of Us All - A Day To Remember

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