Chapter 16- Waiting

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                                  Andy's P.O.V


The doctor looked at us. "Well he is hurt pretty badly and has lost a lot of blood. We are going to have to give him surgery because the pen went in pretty deep. Follow me and I will show you the x-rays", he said. We followed him into this little room with a screen on the wall. We all stood in front of it while he walked to the front of the room. You could see where the pen went in his head. He pointed to the screen.

"Well you can see here that the pen went in really deep. The pen almost reached his brain but thankfully it didn't or he would have died. Some on the ink got in his head so we will have to get that out before we stitch it up and all that.", He said. We just stared at the screen in shock. I can't believe one of my fans did that.

"Alright would you two like to go see Kellin? He isn't awake but at least you will be able to see him.", The doctor asked.

"Yes!", Dani said.

"Alright follow me", He said. He led us down a long hallway with a lot of doors. Then he stopped at the very last door on the right.

"Ok he is in here so you two can go in but you have to stay quiet", He said. He opened the door and we walked in and Kellin was laying on the bed. He looked awful. There was blood all over his clothes and the bed. He looked like he was dead. Dani ran up to him.

"Oh my gosh Kellin!", she was about to cry. "Is he going to be okay?",she asked the doctor.

"Well we won't be able to tell until we perform the surgery and the faster we get started the better it will be", he told her.

"Well do it now!", she yelled at him.

"Okay we will you can go wait in the waiting room while we do the surgery", He said.

"Okay", she said. We walked back out to the waiting room and sat down.

                                  Dani's P.O.V


I hope Kellin is okay. I don't know what I would do if he died. It would be horrible. I just hope he is okay. I kinda feel like it's my fault since I'm the one that wanted to go over and see Andy. I can't believe that douche canoe stabbed him in the head like that. Seriously what is wrong with people these days. I looked over at Andy. He looked upset.

"Andy", I said. He looked over at me.

"You okay?", I asked.

"Not really", He said.

"Me neither", I told him,"Do you think he is going to be okay?"

"I'm not sure but I hope he is", He said.

"I'm afraid that he isn't going to be", I said.

"Well we just have to hope for the best", He said. After about 5 minutes he doctor came out.

"You guys might want to go home it is going to take a couple of hours to do the surgery", He said "I will call you when I am done."

"Ok thank you", Andy said. We walked out to his car and drove back to where our bus was and went back to where everyone was. Everyone was sitting in the BVB bus in the living room. Everyone looked worried.

"Guys we are back!", Andy said. Everyone got silent and looked at us.

"Is Kellin okay?", yelled Jesse.

"We don't know yet", He said. Everyone started asking us all these questions so I just told them the whole story of how it happened. After I was done telling the story everyone was angry. They were mad at that stupid douche canoe for stabbing him. But they were worried too.

"He better be okay or we riot", Gabe said.

"We will track down that girl and beat her up", Justin said.

"I really don't care about that girl right now I'm just worried about Kellin",I told them. "I hope he is okay."

"Well it's getting late we might want to go to sleep", Jayy told all of us.

"Yeah let's go to bed then when we wake up we can go see Kellin", Andy said.

They all went back to their own buses and I went into my bunk and layed down. Kellin please be okay. Then I fell alseep.


Hope you guys liked this chapter :) I know it sucked but the next one will be better. Sorry I took forever to write sucha sucky chapter but I have been lazy haha :)

Chapter Song- A Match Into Water - Pierce The Veil

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