Chapter 43- Apology

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                      Kellin's P.O.V (The Next Day)


After Andy yelled at me yesterday I have realized what I have done wrong. I feel bad for doing that to Dani now. I overreacted. I just thought it was happening again just like like it did before. It made me angry. I shouldn't have said that. I went way to far. I should have realized Dani isn't like that. I should have trusted her. I let my anger get the best of me. I have to apologize. I knocked on the Black Veil Brides bus door. Andy answered it. He glared at me.

"Go away", He said. Then he shut the door. I stuck my hand out and stopped it from closing. 

"I need to talk to Dani. Please?"

"Why? So you can insult her more and make everything worse?" 

"No... I want to apologize and explain.", I said. He looked at me for a second.

"Fine", He said. Then he moved out of the way and I walked on the bus. "She's in the back lounge" I walked to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in", Dani said. I opened the door. She looked at me surprised.

"What do you want?", She asked. I sat down beside her.

"Listen. I'm sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I shouldn't have thought that you were cheating. I should have known you were different and would never do that. I was just so angry and I wasn't thinking straight. I feel horrible for what I did to you. If I could take it all back I would. But sadly I can't. After Andy yelled at me yesterday I finally realized I was wrong. I just hope you can forgive me."

"Why would you ever think I was cheating?", She asked quietly. I sighed.

"When I was 16 I was dating this girl named Alisha. We were together for a little over 2 years. When we were 18 she met this guy named Michael. They became really good friends and they texted all the time just like you and Dalton do. I didn't think nothing of it because they were just friends. After a couple months she would ditch me to hang out with him. I tried to not let it bother me. About 5 months later I went to her house to talk to her and I found her making out with Michael on the couch. I found out she was cheating on me for about 4 months. It killed me inside. I fell into depression after that for a few months. I gave her everything. I tried to be the best boyfriend ever but I guess it wasn't good enough. I gave her everything. I even was planning on marrying her. I thought she was the one. But I was so wrong. That's why I was so angry when you became really good friends with Dalton. You were texting him all the time just like Alisha did. Then when you hung out with him and Clayton all day and ditched me I couldn't take it anymore. You were doing exactly what Alisha did before she cheated. I should have known you wouldn't do that though. I just didn't want to go through it again.", I said.

                  Dani's P.O.V


I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to say. So I just hugged him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that", I said.

"I'm sorry for making you try to kill yourself", He said quietly.

"It's ok. I forgive you."

"So are we back together now?", He asked. I sighed.

"I'm sorry but no. I forgive you but I can't be with you after you said all of that. We can still be friends. But I can't be with you.", I said.

"Oh... Ok. I understand. I wouldn't want to be with me either. I'm glad we can still be friends though", He said.

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