Chapter 15- Injuries

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                                    Andy's P.O.V


          When I woke up in the morning I felt a lot better. Jayy was alseep on the couch. He must have stayed all night. I'm glad he is my best friend. I got out of my bunk and went to the kitchen. I put two poptarts in the toaster and sat down in the chair and turned on Batman. Watching Batman always make me feel better. After about an hour Jayy finally woke up.

"How you feeling?", Jayy asked.

"Better than yesterday", I said. He sat down beside me and watched Batman with me. After about an hour I had to get ready for our show that is in about an hour.

"I'll see you after the show", I told Jayy after I was ready. 

"Ok bye have fun", He said. I walked off the bus and texted Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx to meet me at the stage. When I got backstage they were all waiting there for me. 

"What took so long?", Ashley asked.

"Sorry, I had to walk from the bus," I said. 

"Black Veil Brides to the stage now!", a voice on a microphone yelled. We all ran out of stage and the fans went crazy. 

"Are you guys ready to rock!!", I yelled into the microphone. Everybody screamed.

"Alright this first song is call Perfect Weapon!" ,I yelled. We started to play the song. This show was awesome. I just wish Dani still went to our shows. But she hangs out with Kellin or goes to his show if he has one instead. But I can't act sad I have to do it for the fans. We finished the show and it was awesome. We all said goodbye and then ran off stage. The we went to our tent to sell merch and sign stuff. About half way through the signing I saw Dani walking towards our tent with Kellin. They were holding hands. They walked up to our tent.

"Hey Andy!", Kellin said.

"Hi", I said

"Can we come back there I'm getting pushed around out here?", Dani yelled over the crowd that was pushing her around. 

"Sure", I said. She pushed he way through the crowd with Kellin. The fans just pushed them back not wanting anyone to cut in front of them. Did they not noticed that it was Kellin they were pushing around. I wasn't going to let them push Dani around like that.

"Hey!", I yelled over everybody. They all stopped and looked at me. "Stop pushing them around and let them back here!", I yelled. Quietly everyone moved to the side and let them through. As Dani walked by a few of them gave her dirty looks. I just gave them one right back and they stopped. Some of them realized it was Kellin that was with her and waved. He politely waved back but you could tell he was pissed at them. They got behind the tent finally and sat down behind us. I could see Kellin holding his head. He asked Dani something then she started looking at the back of his head. I wonder what they are doing. I walked over to them.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

"Someone stabbed me really hard in the back of the head with something hard and I felt dizzy and I think it's bleeding.", he said. Why would someone stab him on the back of the head with something purposely. 

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"I don't know my head really hurts", He said. Then Dani took her hand of Kellin's head and looked at her hand.

"Uhh Kellin, you're bleeding, like a lot", she said.

"Crap!", He said," What do I do?"

"You might need a hospital for this you're losing a lot of blood", Dani said. She looked worried.

Jayy Von Monroe is my brother!? (BOTDF fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now