Chapter 37- Cheating

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                                        Dani's P.O.V


Today we are going to pick up more people from the hospital. We aren't sure who is leaving though. The doctor called us last night and said that Jayy woke up. So hopefully he will be better soon. They still aren't sure yet. After Kellin and I got ready we drove to the hospital. When we got inside the doctor was waiting for us. We walked up to him.

"So who is coming home?", Kellin asked. The doctor looked at his clipboard.

"Everyone except Jayy", He said. 

"And how is Jayy doing?", I asked.

"Well, he has woken up so he can heal faster. He should be able to leave by tomorrow.", He said.

"Ok that's good. He needs to leave as soon as possible because we have to go to the next city. We're already a few days behind.", Kellin said.

"So where is everyone else?", I asked.

"Follow me", He said. We followed him back to a room where everyone was. When we walked in they all looked at us. Jack ran up to us.

"Finally you guys are saving me from this hell!", He screamed and jumped up and down, "I hate hospitals!" We laughed.

"Alright Jack calm down.", I said. 

"Come on guys get up I want to leave!", Jack yelled at everyone sitting down. They all groaned at his hyperness and slowly got up. They all walked over to us.

"Alright lets go", Kellin said. We all walked out of the room... well Jack ran. When we got to the van Jack jumped in. 

"Jack you need to calm down or you will mess up your arm again!", Alex yelled at him. Then we drove back to our buses. When we got back Kellin tweeted:

"We should be back on the road in a day or two. So sorry to everyone that is still waiting. We will make it up to you!"

"I hope my fans aren't mad that we're a couple days behind", Kellin said.

"Well they shouldn't be. They should understand that we had an emergency and needed to stay.", I said.

"You're right", He said.

                                       Andy's P.O.V


    Juliet disappered about an hour ago and I can't find her. I've been walking around for the past ten minutes and I have no clue where she is. Maybe someone saw her. I saw Ronnie Radke sitting in a chair on his phone.

"Hey Ronnie have you seen Juliet?", I asked him.

"Ummm I think she was going towards the Breathe Carolina bus", He said.

"Alright thanks", I said. I have no clue why she would be going to Breathe Carolina's bus. I walked to their bus and knocked on the door. No one answered. I opened the door and walked inside. No one was in here. Then I heard noise coming from the back lounge. I slowly walked towards the door. When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. Juliet was laying on top of David and they were making out. Neither of them had a shirt on. 

"What.....the.....heck", I said. They both looked at me. Juliet's eyes went wide. She quicky got off of him and put her shirt back on. She ran up to me.

"It's not what it looks like", She said quickly. 

"Oh really?", I said.

"Yes. He came on to me!", She said. I glanced at David. He looked confused.

"Oh yeah that's why you were on top of him", I said.

"Babe I'm so sorry.", She said. She started crying."I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" I sighed.

"Alright. I forgive you. Just don't ever don't it again", I said.

"Thank you so much", She said. Then she hugged me. We walked off the bus. Once we got off the bus she grabbed my arm.

"What were you thinking!", She hissed at me. Uh oh. "You can't break up with me!"

"You were cheating on me!", I yelled.

"I don't care what I do! You can't break up with me! Or else something bad will happen. Got it?", She yelled. Then she punched me right in my nose. I nodded. 

"Good", She said. Then she stomped away. I could feel blood gushing from my nose. I started to run to the Sleeping With Sirens bus because I knew Juliet would be at my bus. When I got to their bus I knocked on the door. Kellin answered it. 

"Holy crap dude are you ok?", Kellin asked when he saw my nose. 

"Yeah but I kinda need help", I said. 

"Sure come on in.", He said. He walked me straight to the bathroom. I sat down. Kellin grabbed some gauze and tissues.

"How did you do this?", He asked while he helped me clean up the blood.

"I... uhh ran into a pole", I said. He looked at me weird.

"How did you do that?", He asked.

"I run into things a lot", I said. He just nodded.


Sorry it took a little bit longer to update then I planned. But I've been having problems the past week and I haven't been in the mood to do anything. But I figured I should update. I'll try to update soon.

Chapter Song- All For Myself - Amasic

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