Chapter 32- Problem

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                             Kellin's P.O.V


 I was sitting in my bunk. I was so bored. Dani is out shopping with Jayy. So I'm all alone. Everyone is out doing something and I'm just sitting her doing nothing. Then all of the sudden I got a text. It was from Dalton Wixom

    Hey dude we are here at Warped Tour where are you?

  I have been friends with the guys from Late Nite Reading for about a year. Last year when they came to Warped Tour we hung out. They told me about their band and we hung out like all day. The next day I looked up their band and they were really good. I texted back

   I'm in my bus right now so you can just come here. I'm not getting up xD

 After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!", I yelled without getting up. I heard the door open and close.

"Kellin get your lazy butt up and come out here!", Brady yelled. I just laughed. 

"Alright fine", I said slowly getting out of my bunk. I walked out to the living room where they were sitting. Drew had already put his feet up on the coffee table. 

"Geez Drew just make yourself comfortable", I said sarcastically.

"I will", He said. Clayton was already raiding the cabnets for food.

"Clayton you're so fat!", Dalton yelled to him.

"Screw you", Clayton said with a mouthfull of chips.

"You guys are so immature! Gosh!",I yelled at them. I kept a straight face for a second and we just stared at each other. Then we just burst out laughing. We just talked for a little bit while Clayton stuffed his face with food.

"I'm bored", Drew said after we talked for a while.

"Me too", Clayton said while his mouth was full of food. 

"Well maybe if Clayton stopped stuffing his face we could go do something", I said laughing.

"Fine!", Clayton yelled and threw down all of his food. Dalton picked up a cookie Clayton dropped and threw it at him. It hit him in the face. That started a food fight. We were just throwing any food we could find at each other. It last for about 5 minutes before the bus door opened. Dani stepped onto the bus. She froze right when she walked in the door. We all froze too. No one threw anymore food. We all just kinda stared at each other. Then Dani dropped her phone. No one moved.

"You- You're Late Nite Reading", She said. Oh now I see. She is a fan of them. 

"We are?! Holy crap!", Brady yelled. He started to fangirl. We all laughed at him. Dani looked at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were friends with Late Nite Reading?", Dani asked me. 

"I didn't know you were a fan of them", I said. She held up her arm. She was wearing a Late Nite Reading bracelet. Woops. Dalton, Clayton, Brady, and Drew all starting cracking up. "My bad."

"It's fine", She said. She walked over and gave me a hug.

"Oh so this is your girlfriend?", Dalton asked.

"Yeah", I said smiling.

"She's pretty", Clayton said. Drew smacked him in the back of the head.

"What was that for!?", Clayton yelled.

"Dude her boyfriend is right there", Drew said. 

"I wasn't hitting on her!", Clayton said, "I just think she's pretty." Dani giggled.

Jayy Von Monroe is my brother!? (BOTDF fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora