Chapter 45- News

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                                    Dani's P.O.V   *Two Years later*


       Andy and I have been together for two years now. A few weeks after Warped Tour he moved next door to me because he lived to far away. I basically live with him now. I still see Alex and Jack a lot too. Mostly just Alex. He comes down to visit at least once a month. I see Dalton a lot too since we moved to Indiana where he lives. We live about 5 minutes from his house.

        Kellin and I are friends now. There aren't any hard feelings between us. He's actually married to a nice girl named Katelynn. I've met her and I'm happy for them. He also has a daughter named Copeland and she's adorable. She's only about two months old. Then he has two step-sons named Liam and Rowan. We visit them sometimes too. I was actually one of the bridesmaids at their wedding. Madison and Jordan are still together. They moved to Indiana together so they could be closer to us. 


I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to throw up. This has been happening every morning for the past two weeks. I heard footsteps coming behind me. It was Andy. He kneeled down beside me and started rubbing my back.

"You should really go see a doctor. I don't think the flu should last this long," Andy told me.

"I'm fine," I assured him.

"But it can't be the flu. It only is in the morning. It doesn't make sense," Andy mumbled to himself. After a couple of minutes I stood up.

"See? I'm fine," I told him.

"Babe, I'm worried about you. Please let me take you to see a doctor," Andy begged. I sighed.

"Fine." Andy walked out to go call the doctor. I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast. While I was waiting on my poptarts to finish cooking Andy walked into the kitchen. 

"Alright your appointment is in 2 hours," he told me.

"You're just paying for them to say I'm fine and it's just a stomach bug," I assured him.

"I don't care. As long as I find out what's wrong then I'm happy," He said. I groaned. I hate going to the doctor. 


"Come on Dani. We're going to be late to your appointment," Andy groaned as he tried to pull me out the door. I did not want to go. Finally he managed to get me into the car. I sat the pouting the whole way there. When we got there Andy opened my door for me. 

"Come on. It's for your own good," he said holding his hand out to me. I sighed and took his hand. I got out of the car and we walked inside. I sat down and Andy walked to the front desk.

"I'm here for Danielle Griffis's appointment," Andy said to the lady at the front desk. She looked up at Andy. She looked discusted. I rolled my eyes. She typed something into the computer. 

"Take a seat and the doctor will be with you in a moment," She said flatly. Andy nodded at her then sat down beside me. He held my hand while we waited. After a few minutes the doctor walked out.

"Danielle?" I stood up. The lady smiled at me. I took a deep breath. Okay she seems nice.  We follwed her back into a room and I sat down on the table thing. 

"Alright so what is the problem?" she asked.

"Well every morning for the past two weeks I would wake up early and my stomach hurts really bad and then throw up in the bathroom for about ten minutes. Then after that I'm fine the rest of the day but the next morning it's the same thing all over again," I told her. She just nodded and wrote something on her clipboard. She asked me a few more questions then she handed me a cup. She told me to go into the bathroom and pee into it then bring it back to her. I went into the bathroom and did my buisness then I brought the cup back to her. She took it from me and put it on the counter.

"Alright we're gonna take some tests and then call you back later," She told me. I nodded and stood up. 

"Have a nice day," She said smiling at me.

"Thanks you too." I smiled back. I walked back out to the waiting room. When Andy saw me he stood up and hugged me.

"So how did it go?"

"She said she would call me with the results later." He nodded. We walked up to the desk and payed for the appointment. Then we went back home. After being home for about 10 minutes I started to get nervous. I started pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Dani calm down," Andy said.

"I can't calm down! What if I have cancer or something!? If I wasn't deathly sick then it wouldn't take this long to do the test! If nothing was wrong then I wouldn't even need to take a test! I'm going to die from this I bet! What am I going to do!?" I yelled. I started breathing heavy. Andy quickly stood up and put his arms around me.

"Dani please calm down. You're going to be fine. They're probably just busy. I promise you don't have cancer. Just please sit down and stop worrying," Andy told me.  I took a few deep breaths.

"Alright I'm better now" We both sat down on the couch and watched tv for about half an hour. Then the phone rang. I jumped up and sprinted over to my phone. It was the doctor. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said quickly.

"Yes, is this Danielle Griffis?" the doctor asked.


"Well I have the results of you're test here," he said.

"Oh my gosh I have cancer don't I?" I asked worried.

"Oh no not even close," He said.

"Well then what is it? Will it kill me?"

"Well... You're pregnant." I just froze. I'm pregnant. I'm gonna be a mom. Andy is gonna be a dad. I'm gonna have a child... I dropped my phone. 

"Dani are you ok?" Andy asked quickly running over to me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant," I whispered softly before I started to fall back. The last thing I saw was the shocked look on Andy's face before I blacked out.


That's the end of the story! Don't worry I will be making a sequel. I couldn't just stop it here. I hope you liked the whole story. Thank you for reading it. Now I have a question. Do you want me to start the sequel first or post a couple stories I have started? Two of them are All Time Low and two are Sleeping With Sirens. Comment below which you want me to do first? I will for sure be writing a sequel. I might work on my other stories before working on the sequel. But I don't know yet. I'm still trying to decide. But read my other stories when I post them. I think you'll like them :)

Chapter Song - Canals - All Time Low

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