chapter six: plan gone wrong

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It's been a couple of days since my interaction with Mike, so of course he has been on my back ever since, and it is SO embarrassing that I have to go into his class everyday to turn in my phone. But my trouble meter is building up again and I can never ignore my trouble meter. And I need some adventure! Some fun! I think I'll invite Kate this time to execute my master plan.

I'm currently sitting in this boring biology class and have absolutely nothing to do. So i'll think about my next plan to get out of this dumb school. Okay so I need to do something that will for sure get me kicked out, like setting the school on fire. But obviously I'm not a psychopath so I will have to think of something less hot and fiery-


I'll pull the fire alarm!'s not the biggest and baddest thing I could do but it's a start. Am I right? I don't think it will get me kicked out but it will get me on their radar. I'll tell Kate about my plan and then tomorrow we can execute!

"Anna...Anna!" Someone is rocking my shoulder back and fourth.

"Uh yes? huh what?" I say, meanwhile the Image in my head of Kate and I pulling the fire alarm fades away.

"It's time to go, cmon." Kate pulled me up by my wrist. I followed behind her as we left biology.

"What the fuck Anna?! Of course I'll do it with you" Kate was referring to the plan about the fire alarm I just told her. She doesn't know that i'm planning on getting myself kicked out though, maybe I should tell her...nah. We continue to talk back and fourth during 5th period until the teacher asks us to stop.

"Shhh be quiet ladies." Our art teacher tell us.

"Like I give 2 fucks" I mumble to myself a little too loudly. I probably should've kept that to myself but it's too late now! Oh well.

The art teacher snaps his head towards me and addresses me calmly, which is surprising. I can see the coals in his eyes.

"Excuse me Anna? Can you repeat that last part for me please? I don't think I heard you." He asked me rhetorically.

He asked for it so I tell him. I look him directly in his eyes and respond
very confidently- "Like I give 2 fucks!"

The rest of the class gasped.

Oh whatever, they are so over dramatic I think to myself. I swear this is why we cant have nice things.

The art teacher (Mr. Adams) sits up from his desk and walks over to me. I could tell he was trying to keep calm but deep down I know he is furious.

"I'm usually a chill teacher and you know this Anna. But I'm going to give you 5 seconds to apologize or I'm going to have to inform Mike of the language you have used." Mr. Adams said to me.

He thinks he can tell me what to do? I'd like to see him try.
I start drawing smiley faces on my paper  "Mmm let me think about it, how about no." I say In a high pitched bitchy voice.

Mr. Adams seems shocked about how I spoke to him but honestly I could care less. He walks back over to his desk and sits down. "Your choice." He says and starts typing.

Kate nudges me and smiles about the show I just put on. I smile back and purse my lips into a kissy face.

This school is so strict for no reason. I mean yeah you pay a lot of money to be here, but I didn't ask to be here and I have a plan to get out. The plan! Let me explain the plan and go through it. First we are going to skip our last period (7th) Which happens to be Mikes class, to pull the alarm. Then we are going to hide out in the bathrooms and smoke until the final bell rings and ditch seeing our mentors to go hang out at my place. Good plan right?

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