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song: 18 - anarbor

"You’re going to be late for school!”. Jimin’s mother shouts, as he tries desperately to save his failed eyeliner attempt. “The bus already left!”.

“I don’t care!”. He shouts back. “I’m getting a ride from Jungkook!”.

The second she hears Jungkook's name she’s in the bathroom, glaring.

“No. I refuse to have my son getting rides from that boy. I’ll drop you off on my way to work.”.

Jimin smirks. He didn’t actually plan on going with Jungkook, he knew his mom would rather come late to work than have him in the same car with Jungkook. She already hated the fact that they were friends, so maybe one reason Jimin liked Jungkook was out of spite.

“Sure. I'll text him not to come by, then.”.

He throws the eyeliner pen back on the sink, finally fixing the wing.

“I’m ready. Let’s go.”.


Jimin yells a quick “Bye!” as he leaves the car, greeting Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi in the parking lot.

“You look good.”. Taehyung remarks.

“Don’t I always?”.

Jungkook laughs, ruffling his hair.

“You do. What lesson do you have now?”.

“Math. You?”.

“Fucking French. I have no idea why I chose that as my second language.”.

“Languages are always hard. Science classes are actually better.”.

“No way. At least I can come up with some bullshit if I’m called on. No idea what I’d say if the teacher asks me something about Chemistry.”.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and pushes Jungkook.

“Stop flirting, you two.”.

“If that’s what you call flirting, no wonder you’re still single.”. Jimin retorts.

“Ouch. You're single, too.”.

“Only because I want to. if I wanted, I could probably ask like, five guys and they’d all say yes.”.

“Twenty for me.”. Jungkook brags.

“Yeah, that's cause you actually date girls. There's more straight girls than gay guys, so it doesn’t count.”.


Yoongi takes another long, slow sip of his iced coffee, and rolls his eyes at them.

“Y’all need to shut the fuck up. Class starts in five minutes and Hoseok still isn’t there.”.

“Aw, Yoongles misses his boyfriend.”. Taehyung coos.

“You’ve gotten really attached to him.”. Jimin remarks.

“I didn’t know you even had feelings until you met Hobi.”. Jungkook says.

“Yoongi has feelings?!”. Jin asks as he joins them, crumpling his Monster drink. “Ugh, I have a test in a bit. Wish me luck.”.

“Just cheat.”. Jungkook tells him. “Glue a cheat sheet on your chair and just spread your legs a little to read it.”.

“Or I can put one in the bathroom for you.”. Jimin offers. “Or just write shit on the table next to all the Instagram names and doodles.”.

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