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song reccomendation: daddy issues - the neighbourhood

its not fitting fitting but like- the vibes are there


Jimin's mom throws the door to their house open, relief flooding her face once she sees Jimin, brow furrowing once she sees the tears streaking his face and Jungkook's arm around him.

"Where were you?!". She shouts, and Jimin flinches back, bursting into a fresh stream of tears.

"We're going to need to talk, Mrs. Park.". Jungkook explains, ushering Jimin into the house.

"What did you do?". She asks, voice softening only slightly, and Jungkook swallows back an insult.

"Jimin, baby, do you want to explain or should I?".

Jimin doesn't answer, and Jungkook pulls him onto the couch gently,

"Okay. I'll explain.".

"What are you-".

Jungkook holds a hand up, motioning for her to sit down as well and he's sure that if she weren't currently worried that Jimin is in tears, she would yell at him for being disrespectful.

"Jimin got detention, and-"

"He got what now?!" She practically shrieks, causing Jimin to burst into tears again and Jungkook winces.

"Mrs. Park, please, it wasn't his fault. There's a teacher whom we have for Literature who's been... weirdly obsessed with him from the start. And he gave him detention for nothing just so that he could, well... get him alone. Yeah. And um, there was- Jimin, baby, please don't cry, it's fine-". Jungkook bends down, pulling Jimin into a hug and patting his back lightly.

"It's okay." He says softly and Jimin pulls away quickly, looking down at his lap.

"I'm sorry, mom.". He whispers. "I didn't mean to-".

"Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, answer me, now. What the hell did that asshole do to my son?!".

"He locked him in the classroom and tried to force him to have se-".

"Are you telling me a teacher at a school I donated thousands to just tried to fucking rape Jimin?!".

"Basically.". Jungkook whispers, flinching at the look of rage on her face.

"Wait here, I'm making a call." She orders. "And Jungkook, if you leave Jimin alone before I've fired that piece of motherfucking shit, I'll kill you."

"Noted." Jungkook replies in a high-pitched voice, still rubbing soothing circles on Jimin's back. "Let's go upstairs, okay? You're gonna be fine."


"I just... I just always thought I'd be able to fight if that happened but... I didn't." Jimin whispers. "I was weak, I'm so fucking weak."

Jungkook says nothing, he knows that as much as he tries, Jimin isn't going to listen. So, he just strokes his hair gently, pressing a kiss to his head.

"Jimin, baby, please don't beat yourself up about this."

"Why am I so weak, Jungkookie? I'm too weak to fight back, too weak to fall in love-"

"Babe." Jungkook tries, hurriedly wiping the tears starting to stream down Jimin's face. "Baby, you're not weak, okay?"

He decides not to linger on wondering what Jimin meant by "too weak to fall in love" and watches as Jimin wipes his tears away hurriedly, smearing some of his eyeliner in the process.

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