494 39 38

song: cloud 9 - beach bunny

"Well, well, did you have fun last night?". Jihyun asks as Jimin sits down at the kitchen counter, followed by Jungkook.

Both of them are completely shameless about last night's events, Jimin is wearing black thigh shorts, and a thin white shirt, showing off all the hickeys on his neck and thighs, while Jungkook stands next to him, arm wrapped around his boyfriend, wearing an equally smug smile.

"We did, in fact.". Jimin responds, flashing Jungkook a smirk.

"Mhm. I'll bet.". Jihyun remarks, taking a sip of his coffee. "I could hear you guys to the point I had to turn my music at full volume. Have you ever heard The Rose screaming soothing melodies into your ear? I'd definitely recommend it.".

Jimin snickers and Jungkook smiles apologetically.

"Sorry about that.".

"You're not.".

"Well, I'm not.". Jimin says, and both Jihyun and Jungkook roll their eyes.

"Either way, mom and dad are gonna kill you.". Jihyun says happily, and downs his coffee as Jimin and Jungkook share a look.

"What are they gonna punish me for? Being gay?".

"Losing your virginity.".

"You were a virgin before me?" Jungkook asks, looking surprised.

"Obviously not, but they think I was.".


"They can't do shit. And even if, it's not like they're virgins either. I'm betting my ass they both lost their virginity before me.".

"I don't know, they give me "no sex before marriage" vibes.". Jihyun muses.

"Nah, that's just what they want us to think. Parents are usually just as freaky as their kids.".

Jungkook coughs.

"As fascinating as this conversation is, let's change the subject.".

Jimin laughs, pressing a quick kiss to Jungkook's cheek as his mother comes down the stairs as well, frowning once she sees Jungkook in Jimin's clothes, leaning against the counter, an arm around Jimin's shoulder.

She says a hasty good morning, and both Jimin and Jihyun bite back laughs.

“Morning, Mrs. Park.”. Jungook says casually, and she nods in return. “Well, I should probably get going.”. He tells Jimin, who frowns.


“Yeah. I’ll pick you up on Monday.”.

“Mhm, okay.”.

“Walk me out?”.

Jimin nods, watching as Jungkook pulls his jacket from the coat rack, tying the laces of his combat boots.

“I’ll give you your clothes on Monday, too.”. Jungkook tells him, gesturing at Jimin’s shirt and jeans he’s wearing.

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.”. Jimin smiles a little awkwardly, and Jungkook bites his lip, looking down.

“Can I, like, kiss you or are your parents-”.

“I think you know the answer.”.

Jungkook nods and laughs, and lifts him up, pressing their lips together as Jimin wraps his legs around Jungkook’s waist, kissing him back passionately.

“See you Monday, princess.”. Jungkook says as they pull away, and Jimin grins as he sees him back down.

"Well, say what you want, but I doubt it's a phase.". Jihyun remarks, and his mother sends him a look.

"They be hella cute though.". Jihyun comments as Jimin stands on his toes, pressing a quick kiss to Jungkook's lips.

Jimin watches, a smile tugging at his lips as Jungkook closes the door behind him, and turns back around, already halfway up the stairs before anyone can say anything.

“I’m gonna study!”. He yells, and his mother frowns, but nods.

“Fine. But we’re having a talk at dinner.”.

Jimin shrugs.

“Sure, whatever.”.

Before she can start yelling at him for being disrespectful, he runs into his room, closing the door behind him.


Jimin checks his phone once he’s finished with his homework, noticing that it’s 4 PM and he’s been working on a project and some assignments for 5 hours straight, still wearing shorts and a thin shirt.

1283 unread messages from crackheads, operation namjin, koo and 1 other

“Fucking hell.”.

He checks the ones from Jungkook first, just two messages saying that he’s home. Next is one from Taehyung who asked him for the math homework in exchange for science, ten messages in their group chat with Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook when Hseok asked whether he should get a new pair of Air Jordans or not and finally, 1280 messages from Jin planning his promposal.

Just as he’s about to read them, he gets a group call, and accepts it with a sigh.

“Hey, Jin. Why the fuck do I have a thousand messages from you?”.

“Oh, we spent some time doing a psychological hyper analysis to see whether he likes me or not.”.

“...Or you could have asked?”.

“Where’s the fun in that?”.

Taehyung coughs.

“Either way, I asked him and he said yes, and your analysis was convincing, too. Namjoon likes Jin.”.

“We’ve been knew.”.

“And Tae being freaky as fuck got his BDSM score, too.”. Yoongi says, to which Hoseok adds that since Jimin and Jungkook didn’t reply to their texts they had to pan everything on their own.

“Uh, okay. What’s the plan?”. Jimin asks,

If someone had told him a year ago that the “popular boys” who smoked and threw parties were actually a bunch of chaotic gays and that he’d be best friends with them, he’d have called them crazy, but here he is, helping Kim Seokjin asking his crush out to prom.

“So we’ve decided that all the stalking we did wasn’t particularly useful as Namjoon doesn’t want anything special since he doesn’t like doing that stuff in public so I guess I’ll just… ask him in private and hope that we at least kiss.”.

Jimin almost bursts out laughing at that.

“Disappointing. Well, good luck.".

"Yeah, he'll need it.". Jungkook adds, and Jimin can practically hear Jin rolling his eyes through the screen.

"Yeah, yeah, go suck Jimin's dick.".

"Eh, I did that last night.".

On cue, Hoseok bursts out laughing, Taehyung squeals, Jin makes a disgusted sound and Yoongi sighs.

"This is why we can't have good things.". Yoongi remarks.

"Y'all fucked?". Jin asks.

"Mhm, we did.". Jimin answers.

"And you guys dated for what, two days?". Hoseok asks.

"A week, I think.".

"This is less of a relationship and more of a hookup.". Jin remarks.

"Exactly how I like it.". Jimin says with a grin, and Jungkook laughs.

"Oh God, they're flirting.". Yoongi groans, and everyone laughs.

"Oh, fuck off.".

𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 • 𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora