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song: romeo - bryce xavier


It's been a long night of dancing, laughing, talking and drinking from the flask Jungkook snuck in, hazy memories of messy kisses and laughing at Namjoon and Seokjin making out passionately in the corner, and by the time some people have started leaving, Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand and asks if he wants to get the fuck out.

Of course, the response is "Hell, yeah.".

Jungkook drops onto the grass of the football field with a sigh, smiling as Jimin sits down next to him and watches as Jungkook closes his eyes, lying on the grass.

"Tonight was amazing." Jungkook whispers as Jimin lies down as well, smoothing his suit.

"It was. Better than even my closeted 12-year old ass could have imagined.". Jimin responds with a laugh, turning around to face Jungkook.

Jungkook nods, laughing quietly.

There's a long silence, the air between them somehow changing in the moments in which neither of them are speaking, and Jungkook reaches over, tangling his fingers in Jimin's hair, the only sound between them the steady breaths filling up the small gap between their lips.



"I... I wish we were forever.". Jungkook says with a sad smile, and Jimin frowns, cocking his head.

"Who says we're not?".

"Both of us.".

Jimin has to laugh at that, pulling Jungkook closer by his waist.

"I know... But why so suddenly?".

"I just realized... it would kill me to lose you.".

Jimin pauses, frowning.


"I'm serious, Jimin.".

"I know you are... but I can see it, you know?". He says. "Not being forever. It's like... sometimes I feel like we are... but at the same time, I can see us drifting apart and breaking up, I can see you getting married and maybe even having kids, or whatever, and we'd still be best friends but always wonder what would have been if we didn't fuck up. So... I know we're not meant to be, and I know all that, but... just remember me, okay? Don't just remember my parents and Mr. Randolph and all that fucked up shit, just remember tonight and all the late nights and our kiss and, you know, me? Remember enough so that when your kids see our pictures, you can tell them about me.".

Jimin wipes the tears starting to form in his eyes quickly, going for a smile.

"God, that got deep fast, I'm sorry. I'm just... really fucking scared. I know we're going to break up someday, but I feel like it's going to hurt a lot more than I initially thought.".

Jungkook nods, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Don't worry too much.". He tells Jimin. "I know I can't promise much, but I know how you feel. And I promise, I could never forget someone like you. Even if we're not fate, endgame, whatever, I want to keep you as long as I can. I want to do everything with you so that I ever look back and second-guess, wonder what could have been if we hadn't been like this. And do the same for me, please. I want to look back on these years and be happy, I want to be able to tell stories about you and... just remember my first love, right?".

"Are you... crying?". Jimin asks softly, and Jungkook shakes his head.

"No.". He says quickly, looking away.

"You're crying, Jungkookie.".

"No, I'm n-".

Jimin interrupts him as he edges closer, bringing their lips together and mumbles against Jungkook's lips, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Don't cry. We're gonna make memories tonight, okay? Just do all kinds of dumb shit that we'll remember together.".

Jungkook nods, returning the embrace with a small smile.

"Can you kiss me again?".

Jimin smiles gently, but he does so, sliding his hands in Jungkook's hair and pulls him even closer, lips moving against Jungkook's slowly.

"We're going to be fine.". He mumbles against the kiss, feeling Jungkook smile as he kisses him again and again and again, and as Jimin presses their lips together again, one hand on his waist and another cupping his face, his own nestled in his boyfriend's soft locks, it's just them and the stars, not worrying about the future or their past or their parents. Not worrying about the judgement of others and all the promises they had made to each other, the heartbreak that they both knew would come. Because did it matter right now?

They both were scared of falling in love, falling from the safety of the surface. Dating is like walking on ice, you never know how thin the ice is, and how cold and deep the waters underneath it is.

And neither of them wanted to know. It was always safer to avoid feelings, never wanting to test out how far they could go before the ice underneath them broke, falling into the cold waters of love and heartbreak, falling into the icy waters with no warning, drowning from the heart-wrenching feelings to come.

But did it matter if they fell, now? Because, fuck, even drowning sounded good if they were in each other's arms.

But those feelings didn't matter now, not the worries of the waters underneath them.

Tonight, they were just two boys, young, naïve and clueless, kissing under the stars.

And no one could take that away from them.




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