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song reccomendation: hornylovesickmess - girl in red (yea I was doing a Taylor and listening to the album on repeat)

"Open up!" Jimin yells, banging on the door to Jihyun's room. "It's 12 PM, get out and stop moping over whatever angsty gay fanfiction broke you last night!".

"It wasn't a fanfiction!". Jihyun yells back. "Believe it or not, but I actually have a life outside of-".

"Yeah, yeah, now let me in. Which straight boy broke your heart, then?".

"You know, I don't only  fall for straight b-".

"Jihyun, you fucking dumbass, stop acting like every female rom com protagonist and let me the fuck in.".

"Ugh, fine.".

Jimin smiles triumphantly as he hears the lock click, and a messy-haired, puffy-eyed Jihyun rolls his eyes at him.

"What do you want?".

"Let me in, dumbass. You're my twink brother, I need life advice.". Jimin eyes his bare, red face and baggy jeans and raises an eyebrow. "Looks like you do, too. You look terrible. Like, even worse than usual.".

"Fuck off, I know.".

Jimin laughs, sitting down on the edge of Jihyun's bed and props himself up on his elbows.

"So, what dumb shit happened at the party that made you cry like a bitch?".


"Don't lie, tell your big bro what happened.".

Jihyun sighs.

"Fine, fine. I had my first kiss.".

"Your... first?!".

"What about it?".

"Jihyun, you hot bitch, why was that your first kiss?!"

"Uh, because I'm too socially awkward to go out and date? Why is everyone making fun of me for this?!".

"Okay, okay, sorry. Anyways, was it good? Was there tongue?".

"Yes and yes.".

Jimin squeals, jumping up on Jihyun's bed and he winces.

"I'm so happy for you! Your first kiss! Oh my God, my first one was ass, the guy shove his tongue down my throat and grabbed my ass, like, calm down Brian we're fifteen I don't want your white ass humping me. The worst part was that he was straight.".

Jihyun decides against saying anything and just stares at his brother, who shrugs.

"He told me he was bicurious or something. But, God, he was a terrible kisser, and that's all I remember. Anyways, who was it?'. Jimin asks happily, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Promise you won't be mad at him? Or me?".

Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Duh. Unless he breaks your heart, then I'll kill him and make it look like he died of autoerotic asphyxiation.".

"... Okay.".

"C'mon, tell me.".

"It was Taehyung.".

Jimin pauses, blinks slowly, opens his mouth to speak and pauses again.






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